1. JBoss memory usage pattern
peterj Feb 21, 2011 7:22 PM (in response to lorenooliveira)What kind of monitoring are you doing? This sounds like what I have observed when I have VisualVM monitoring JBoss AS - memeory slowly fills up and eventually a GC happens. Without any load. If you have monitoring tools that are making continual calls (to MBeans, for example), then you will see something like this.
2. JBoss memory usage pattern
lorenooliveira Feb 21, 2011 7:54 PM (in response to peterj)Yes, that's exactly how I'm doing. I'm watching the server behavior using visualvm. Is there a better approach to monitor an application but JMX? I mean, how could one get data about some application health with a minimum of overhead and a maximum of accuracy?
3. JBoss memory usage pattern
wdfink Feb 22, 2011 3:39 AM (in response to lorenooliveira)A easy way to monitor the jvm without big influence is 'jstat -gc PID'.
The behaviour of growing utilisation is normal for the JVMs eden space where all new created objects are.A good starting point will be the 'Java GC tuning site'
4. JBoss memory usage pattern
lorenooliveira Feb 22, 2011 9:21 AM (in response to wdfink)Hi Wolf-Dieter,
Actually, I started all this observation after reading about gc performance tunning. I'm trying to find evidences that lead me to make some sort of tunning. So far, I didn't find anything in this sense, but I found this behavior. The strange point here is the volume. I mean, the heap usage is growing almost 2GB in 40s with low (or none) workload, and in 8s with a higher workload.
Is this normal (in this volume)? In the point of view of the users, we are not getting malfunction reports.However, we should grow our workload in the next weeks...
5. JBoss memory usage pattern
peterj Feb 22, 2011 9:57 AM (in response to lorenooliveira)The problem with using VisualVM in a production environment is that it is too heavy of a solution. VisualVM updates its status constanly (every second?). Most monitoring tools update status only every 5 to 15 minutes. Of course that is adjustable, but the more often you monitor the greater the impact on production.
If you are interested in gathering GC data during production, use -verbose:gc and redirect the data to a file (-Xloggc:<file>). That will give you sufficient data and you can turn -verbose:gc on/off from an MBean (a little java app run script a scrfipt could do this for you).
Here are some paper I wrote on GC analysis:
Java Garbage Collection Statistical Analysis 101
Java Garbage Collection Performance Analysis 201
at http://www.cmg.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=java+peter+johnson&x=30&y=10
6. JBoss memory usage pattern
lorenooliveira Feb 22, 2011 1:27 PM (in response to peterj)Peter, I understand the point that visualvm can be, itself, altering in some sense the environment that it monitors. However, I tried to understand how big is this influnce by means of a simple test (I just don't know whether it was too simple...).
Using visualvm with its default configuration (1s pooling), I noticed that the heap usage of my application oscilates in a window of aproximately 2gb. Then I changed the pooling to 10 and 30 seconds, in two following tests. With these new configurations, the heap usage is still in the same window.
Am I testing this the right way? Should this change in the pooling interval change the size of the windows noticed in the monitoring?
7. JBoss memory usage pattern
peterj Feb 22, 2011 3:32 PM (in response to lorenooliveira)I don't know if the "polling" setting in VisualVM changes how often it polls the JVM, or how often it updates the display. I would just use -verbose:gc and -Xloggc and then monitor the loggc file. That would eliminate anything funny that VisualVM is doing.
If you say you are generating 2GB of garbage in about 40 seconds, then that is a lot of garbage being generated (50MB per second). I usually have to run a benchmark with a heavy load to get that kind of churn. What is your CPU utilization? Are you certain that, other than the VisualVM connection, that the app server is idle?
8. JBoss memory usage pattern
lorenooliveira Feb 22, 2011 3:50 PM (in response to peterj)I tried with the JVM flag, and I'm getting the same measurements. The only difference is the time between collections. When I just watch the output of verbosegc, it takes longer to collect the garbage. When a both watch the output of verbosegc and also monitor through visualvm, the collections are much more frequent, but the usage is kept in the same window.
I can say that the CPU usage is low. This is a big machine, with a lot of processors and 6gb dedicated to this vm. CPU utilization is under 10%, with some short peaks of 30%.
When this snapshot was taken, I can say that 95% of the normal workload was not present, but there where at least one more monitoring tool pooling data from the application (zabbix).
As it is a production server, I'm afraid of trying a memory dump. But I took two histograms of the server, one with low heap usage, and the other close to the top of the heap usage. The difference between them was char arrays, Strings, int arrays, and byte arrays. Because they are histograms, I cannot track back who is instantiating these objects. However, doing this in the same application running in the development environment and with a quite lower workload, I can see that all this stuff is being generated by the container, and not by my application...
9. JBoss memory usage pattern
peterj Feb 22, 2011 3:56 PM (in response to lorenooliveira)I'd be interested to see what it looks like if zabbix is not running.
One thing you could do is take thread dumps and examine them. Look for threads that are not just waiting on objects, those are the active threads. The stack trace for those threads should give you some idea on what they are processing. This might help you track down what is generating the garbage.