1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 23, 2011 4:43 PM by nbelaevski

    RF4 FileUpload does not work with Spring Webflow



      I am developing webapp:

      Richfaces 4 (curently M6)

      JSF 2.0.3

      Spring WebFlow 2.2.1


      I would like to use rich:fileUpload component but it does not work for me. When UPLOAD button is clicked an exception si thrown:


      org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.BadlyFormattedFlowExecutionKeyException: Badly formatted flow execution key 'e2s1?rf_fu_uid=0.894134724464456', the expected format is 'e<executionId>s<snapshotId>'


      Caused by:

      java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1?rf_fu_uid=0.894134724464456"


      I suspect there is a misunderstanding between RF and SWF.


      Can anybody give me a tip how to solve this problem, please? Thanks.