1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 2, 2009 1:25 AM by allforjava

    Why : Not displaying the rich:tree?


      Dear Team,

      I need to display the resultSet entries as tree nodes. However it is throwing the exception as:
      "javax.faces.FacesException: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException:
      /ILT.xhtml @25,104 nodes="#{issue.resultList}":
      Property 'resultList' not found on type org.domain.Portal.entity.Issues"

      Is it the way I'm using the resultList, wrong?

      Code ILT.xhtml

       <rich:tree id="tasksTree" switchType="client">
       <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{issuesList}" var="issue" nodes="#{issue.resultList}">
       <rich:treeNode icon="/img/down.gif">

      The issuesList returns the List of issues fetched from database, extended the EntityQuery from Seams Framework.

      Thank you in advance!

        • 1. Re: Why : Not displaying the rich:tree?

          Does the roots for recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor needs only collection? coz I have a single root node. And the way issueList used as root, is it a right way (It sounds silly, I'm confused).

          With treeNodesAdaptor the nodes are generated. However I ned to use recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor for further sub-trees.