2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 12, 2008 9:37 AM by diegocoronel

    EJB HotDeploy is a dream ?



      I wanna know if is it possible in JbossAS5 to modify/create/delete a method from EJB Session and just make refresh in our page (xhtml/facelets/seam) to see the changes ? or i still need to restart my application doing an update in /ear/META-INF/application.xml?

      Can you talk about hotDeploy features and limitations and diferences between JBossAS5 hotDeploy and glassfish V3 (supports hotDeploy saving state of beans)?

        • 1. Re: EJB HotDeploy is a dream ?

          In agile developing on jboss I have some suggesions:

          1. Exploded format (editing on live jsp/jsf pages works without need redepploy)
          2. Remote debugging - change logic of beans, fix mistakes, but cannot change class signature
          3. Hot deploy units with known bundary (jar, ejb, war) to dir server/defaults/deploy via developer ant task. You should could independent redeploying them. Time: 5-20 sec - imho ok.
          4. Try jboss embedded and start deploying module from IDE

          • 2. Re: EJB HotDeploy is a dream ?

            hi, im already doing all these steps, but our time is lost when we are beggining an implementation, because just in development time im discovering methods ill need, and im using EJB (inside EAR) so, i always need to "touch" application.xml and after some time i get PermGenSpace problem....

            I saw that glassfish says that they have hotDeploy for classes and they also save the state of the instance, i wanna know if jboss will provide similar functionality (something like Seam does).?