2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2011 1:46 AM by dhivyast

    Rerender command button on the main page from a modal panel




      I have a modal panel which is called from my main page(mergerDealInformation.xhtml)  as below


      <a4j:commandButton id="btnTrigger" value="Trigger events" reRender="eventSummary" action="#{summaryControllerBean.populateSummaryDetails}"

          oncomplete="#{rich:component('eventSummary')}.show()" status="eventStatus">

      <ui:include src="eventsSummary.xhtml"/>



      In my modal panel eventsSummary.xhtml , i have a command button "Confirm" , on clicking on this command button i need to rerender 2 command buttons on main page ,i.e the button btnTrigger should be disabled. How do i do this?


      Kindly help me out