4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2011 7:06 AM by dasago

    Unable to select the current date in calendar




      I have created calendar component with disabling the previous dates from current date. The code is as follows.

      Here i am not able to select the current date. How to disable only previous dates and enable to select other dates in a month including current date.











                  font-style: italic;




          <script type="text/javascript">

              var curDt = new Date();

              function disablementFunction(day){

                  if (day.isWeekend) return false;

                  if (curDt==undefined){

                      curDt = day.date.getDate;


                  if (curDt.getTime() - day.date.getTime() &lt; 0) return true; else return false; 


              function disabledClassesProv(day){

                  if (curDt.getTime() - day.date.getTime() &gt;= 0) return 'rich-calendar-boundary-dates';

                  var res = '';

                  if (day.isWeekend) res+='weekendBold ';

                  if (day.day%3==0) res+='everyThirdDay';

                  return res;



          <rich:calendar isDayEnabled="disablementFunction" dayStyleClass="disabledClassesProv" boundaryDatesMode="scroll"/>

        • 1. Unable to select the current date in calendar

          Any Help please?

          • 2. Unable to select the current date in calendar

            just change the confion in JS


            if (curDt.getTime() - day.date.getTime() &lt;= 0) return true; else return false;

            • 3. Unable to select the current date in calendar

              Hi ILya,


              I already tried putting '=' operator, but no luck. Here is the code please let me know i have missed anything.


              <script type="text/javascript">

                      var curDt = new Date();

                      function disablementFunction(day){

                          if (curDt.getTime() - day.date.getTime() &lt;= 0) return true; else return false;


                      function disabledClassesProv(day){





                  <rich:calendar isDayEnabled="disablementFunction" dayStyleClass="disabledClassesProv" boundaryDatesMode="scroll"/>


              • 4. Re: Unable to select the current date in calendar



                it's not a good solution, but it works:


                <script type="text/javascript">

                        var curDt = new Date();


                        function disablementFunction(day){

                            //check if current date is available

                            if (curDt==undefined){

                                curDt = new Date();



                            var curDate = "" + curDt.getFullYear() + curDt.getMonth()+ curDt.getDate();

                            var dayDate = "" + day.date.getFullYear() + day.date.getMonth()+ day.date.getDate();

                            //enable current date

                            if(curDate - dayDate == 0) return true;

                            //enable future dates

                            if (curDt.getTime() - day.date.getTime() &lt; 0) return true; else return false; 

