3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2011 5:07 AM by pking

    Generate links to portal page (which contains Tab-Container)




      Case:  there's a page which contains 3-tabs container.


      Do you know how to genereate [ jsf , portal-api , exo-js, ? ] a link  to the portal page and further to particular tab in TabContainer placed on this page ?


      How could I generate links which redirect to the page and open (makes active) particular tab in tab-container?



      Any info highly appreciated .




        • 1. Generate links to portal page (which contains Tab-Container)

          Yes, I need exactly the same thing. Also realoding the particular tab will be great but I am not sure if this is possible. There are some AJAX request so UITabContainer is contacting the server but I don't know why when the complete container is already rendered (that means all tabs are processed and on client you just switching tabs via JS).


          I tried to call JS code from another place (window.opener page) and it leads to JS error "root is NULL" -> I guess that because there childeren of container weren't acessible or dialog loading with message Session timeout - refresh browser!         

          • 2. Generate links to portal page (which contains Tab-Container)

            To genereate links for particular tab you need identify container and tabs in pages.xml 


            <container id="someID" template="system:/groovy/portal/webui/container/UIContainer.gtmpl">


            Then you can generate URL:



            • 3. Re: Generate links to portal page (which contains Tab-Container)

              Hi ,


              John thanks for the advice. It does seem it should work fine. I have not tested it yet, if only check will let you know.

              I have came across  the followed code (an exceprt from one of my portal page):



              <a class="TabLabel" onclick="eXo.webui.UIHorizontalTabs.changeTabForUITabPane(this,'401282074', '1249166138' );javascript:ajaxGet('/portal/private/theplatform/home/page_2?portal:componentId=401282074&amp;portal:action=SelectTab&amp;objectId=1249166138&amp;ajaxRequest=true')">Groups Management</a>



              401282074 - seems to be a surronding container ID

              1249166138 - tab container ID


              probably we can even utilize  with this exo JS methods to get the expected result.