8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2011 2:07 AM by jaikiran

    Problem with environment entries in application.xml




      I am using JBoss-6.0.0.Final.


      I have a JEE 6 application where I am attempting to retrieve a java.lang.String environment entry (env-entry) specified in the EAR's application.xml file using the @Resource(lookup("...")) mechanism in a servlet.


      I have tried all the different naming conventions shown below in the application.xml file but all of them result in a "NOT FOUND Depends on" error when instantiating the servlet with the @Resource annotated variable.


      I have also tried to remove the annotations and dump the application's JNDI tree recursively but the environment entries are not present.


      My question is: Should environment entries declared in the application.xml file be accessible to all WARs and EJB JARs that are contained in the EAR when using JEE 6?





          <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





          <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





          <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





          <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





          <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





        • 1. Problem with environment entries in application.xml

          Hi Marcus,


          Use of "<env-entry>" in application.xml is rare to find, but are you not missing the "lookup-name" entry?



          • 2. Problem with environment entries in application.xml

            Hi Benjamin,


            I have tried again with the following but none of the entries are being added to the JNDI.





                <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>






                <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>






                <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>






                <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>








            • 3. Re: Problem with environment entries in application.xml

              Hi Marcus,



              Have you tried either [A] or [B] below:





                  <env-entry-value>Hello World!</env-entry-value>





              String valueApp = (String)InitialContext.doLookup("java:app/env/TestValueApp");




              private String valueApp;



              • 4. Problem with environment entries in application.xml

                Hi Marcus,

                according to Sun/Oracle specs following Example should create an Entry that can be looked up with "java:comp/env/greetings"



                <description>welcome message</description>



                <env-entry-value>Welcome to the Inventory Control




                In case that JBoss really does not add any Entries, check whether JBoss' processes/ignores your application.xml

                See http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xml/WebAppDev4/ for further Information.


                Best regards,


                • 5. Re: Problem with environment entries in application.xml

                  Hi Benjamin,


                  When trying option [A] I get a NameNotFoundException on the (env) component of the name.



                  When trying option [B] the value for the valueApp variable is null. This occurs when I use option [B] in a ServletContextListener and in a HttpServlet.


                  If I move the env-entry declaration to the web.xml file then option [A] works both in a ServletContextListener and in a HttpServlet but option [B] is still null in both instances.





                  • 6. Re: Problem with environment entries in application.xml

                    Hi Mark,


                    I have tested your example, i.e. dropping the java:app prefix (using greetings as the env-entry-name), and what I found is that I get a NameNotFoundException when the env-entry is in the application.xml file but if I move it to the web.xml file then the InitialContext.doLookup approach works perfectly using the name (java:comp/env/greetings).


                    It appears as if the env-entry entries in the application.xml file are being ignored.





                    • 7. Re: Problem with environment entries in application.xml

                      Hi Benjamin,


                      I have done a bit more testing and I think I have discovered the reason why the @Resource annotation is not being correctly processed for my ServletContextListener and HttpServlet.


                      It is not related to whether the env-entry is declared in the application.xml or web.xml. Instead it seems to be as a result of my context listener and servlet being declared in another JAR which is included in my WAR. The servlets that form part of my WAR (under WEB-INF/classes) are being injected correctly when using the @Resource annotation. By correctly I mean that the injection works when then env-entry is declared in the web.xml file but I get a "NOT FOUND Depends" error when the env-entry is declared in the application.xml file.


                      Not sure whether I should open another discussion related to injection not working on web resources included from other JARs but referenced from the web.xml in a WAR.





                      • 8. Problem with environment entries in application.xml

                        Resource references and environment entries processing in application.xml isn't handled correctly in AS6. So yes this is a bug. I think there was a JIRA for this issue somewhere but I can't seem to locate it. Can you please create a JIRA here https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS?