2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2011 8:54 AM by manakor

    Rerendering HTML5 content with a4j:jsFunction brakes markup


      I am working in JSF2 project and faced the error, which breaks native HTML5 tags display in the browser. So, what I have:

      <a4j:form id="myForm">

      <a4j:jsFunction name="myFunction" actionListener="#{myBean.key}"








      <a4j:outputPanel id="wrapper" layout="block">


           <!-- Inside this panel I have HTML5 tags -->


                <div class="myObject">

                     <p>Lorem impsum dolor sit amet...</p>




                <a href="#" title="">My Link #1</a>

                <a href="#" title="">My Link #2</a>






      <div class="anotherObject">

           <a href="#" title="" onclick="myFunction(); return false;">Refresh my wrapper</a>




      So, right after I click a link, which activates myFunction() on click event, <a4j:outputPanel> content is rerendered, but broken, because HTML5 tags are dropped outside, and when I debug in Firebug, code of outputPanel looks like this:


           <div id="myForm:wrapper">

                <aside> </aside>

                <nav> </nav>

                <!-- And right here starts all my content, which has to be inside those HTML5 tags -->

                <div class="myObject">

                     <p>Lorem impsum dolor sit amet...</p>




      Maybe somebody knows why this rerendering brakes my HTML?!

        • 1. Rerendering HTML5 content with a4j:jsFunction brakes markup

          you using RichFaces 3.x? Try to turn filter off using NONE for context parameter.





          But in that case be carefull as your markups will not be checked for correctness and Ajax could be broken in case some page parts are not w3c-complaint.

          • 2. Rerendering HTML5 content with a4j:jsFunction brakes markup






            For me worked, but I wish to know what's the problem of JSF when it cleans the code than? Why it doesn't take in mind HTML5 elements?