0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2011 7:44 AM by kcbabo

    Maven updatePolicy has changed for SwitchYard projects


      I have changed the updatePolicy for snapshots and releases to "never" for all four SwitchYard projects: parent, core, components, and quickstarts.  What does this mean to you?  A couple things:


      1) If you were using -o to get around the *really* slow snapshot update check, you might not have to do that anymore.  I noticed a significant reduction in build time when snapshot versions were not being checked with each build.


      2) If a snapshot dependency is updated, you will need to use "mvn -U install" in your next build to trigger an update check.  For example, if someone updates nexus with a new, incompatible snapshot version that you have not built locally, then your build might produce a compile/test failure.  At that point, you run again with "-U" and suck down the new dependencies and everything is back in order.


      Note that if you have built an artifact locally (as part of your local build), you do *not* need "-U" to pick that up.


      Let me know if you run into any issues with the new policy.