4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 2, 2011 4:14 AM by enpasos

    Scheduled timer not deleted on undeploy/redeploy


      jboss 6.1.0-SNAPSHOT (#553):


      I deploy an application consisting of only a scheduled task:



      public class ScheduleTestBean {


          @Schedule(dayOfMonth = "*", month = "*", year = "*", hour = "*", minute="*", second="*/10")

          public void process() {

                      log.info("ScheduleTestBean: " + new Date());



          private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ScheduleTestBean.class.getName());



      After deploying the scheduled task (ScheduleOn) it logs a message every 10 seconds. After undeploying the application the logging stops. If I comment the "@Schedule" in the code (ScheduleOff) and deploy the application again under the same name the logging goes unexpectedly on.


      My current workaround: Never deploy/redeploy an application under the same name again, instead deploy it under a "versioned name".


      I am searching for: a better workaround or bug fix.