1. PortletBridge - Bridgeadmin Application for GateIn
theute Mar 2, 2011 1:50 PM (in response to timkelley)It is something that we are willing to do among many other things.
This should be made as a portlet filter instead of a WebUI Lifecycle interceptor.
Note that "bridgeadmin" was just a portletbridge demo, not an admin tool.
We are looking into creating a JBoss Operation Network plugin, this lives here for the moment: https://github.com/metacosm/gatein-jon-plugin but will change later.
If you are willing to participate in those efforts please let me know.
2. PortletBridge - Bridgeadmin Application for GateIn
timkelley Mar 2, 2011 2:06 PM (in response to theute)I do understand that it is only a demo application. The most important question I have is why is it that a GenericPortlet (non WebUI) is not able to have application statistics gathered. And also, if there is anyone that has come across this issue before and if there are any possible solutions.
In the 2.7.1 portal, I have been able to configure an Interceptor that calculates an elapsed time based on the ControllerCommand.invokeNext method.
3. PortletBridge - Bridgeadmin Application for GateIn
theute Mar 2, 2011 2:44 PM (in response to timkelley)The "Why" is historical reasons, that was what existed in eXo Portal and that's what we are willing to improve for any portlet.
A solution is to implement a portlet filter and use the filter on each portlet that you would want to monitor, this is what we want to provide out of the box, again, if you are willing to help this would benefit other users and get it done sooner. Just let me know.
4. PortletBridge - Bridgeadmin Application for GateIn
timkelley Mar 2, 2011 3:39 PM (in response to theute)The issue seems to be within the eXo platform in that WebUI applications are processed in a completely different way than "normal" portlets. I would rather not use a portlet filter, which would require each portlet to be configured to use the filter. I would like the functionality to be there by default, with no additional configurations.
If you would like to discuss this is in more detail (as I have spent many hours going through the GateIn and eXo platform code and trying several options already), I can. I am willing to consider what could possibly be provided out of the box from the portlet bridge to accomplish this.
5. PortletBridge - Bridgeadmin Application for GateIn
theute Mar 2, 2011 4:08 PM (in response to timkelley)This won't be from the portlet bridge since it has to be generic enough (For all portlets).
Additionally we also wanted to have a shared portlet.xml to define settings for all portlet applications so if one wanted to have a filter on all portlets he could do it there (like done for web.xml in Tomcat/JBossWeb), there is no roadmap for that item.