7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2011 12:00 PM by clsimone

    Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)




      I'm using Riftsaw 2.0.0 final version.


      I would like to know if Riftsaw supports the ODE configurations as there :

      - http://ode.apache.org/user-guide.html#UserGuide-EndpointConfiguration

      - http://ode.apache.org/user-guide.html#UserGuide-ActivityFailureandRecovery



      1. In fact, i'd like to set custom HTTP header on a SOAP request to a partnerlink.

      I also want to set WS-Addressing headers automaticly on one-way invoke on a partnerlink. Is it possible ?



      2. I want to set some kind of redelivery policy if an invoke activity fails for example. Is it possible ?



      Thanks a lot.



        • 1. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

          Hi Raphael,


          For the endpoint configuration, yes, we support them. For the supported properties, please refer to http://docs.jboss.com/riftsaw/2.0.0.Final/userguide/html_single/#d0e361 for the detail information. With regard to the ws-addressing, afaik, I don't think we have this functionality. Could you try it and file a jira if it doesn't work.


          For the ActivityFailureandRecoery, as RiftSaw is based on ODE, yes, it supports.




          • 2. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

            Hi Jeff,


            1. For the endpoint configuration, I've tried into the riftsaw.sar/bpel.properties, I didn't saw the global congifuration remarks...

            But still, even in the bpelContent dir, it's not working, I'll raise a JIRA about that.


            2. For the WSA headers, i've already tested it, and Riftsaw does not add the standard WSA headers for one-way invoke. It should be nice. I'll raise a JIRA about that as well.


            3. For the failure recovery, I cannot manage to use it.

            I've tried the sample on ODE guide


            <bpel:invoke inputVariable="myRequest"
                operation="foo" outputVariable="aResponse"
                partnerLink="myPartner" portType="spt:SomePortType">

                <ext:failureHandling xmlns:ext="http://ode.apache.org/activityRecovery">


            I stopped my SoapUI partnerlink, but it does not do the retry logic at all...




            Maybe I can help, i'd like to contribute !




            • 3. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

              Hi Raphaël,


              Thanks very much for your jiras and test cases, we definitely like your contribution.


              For the endpoint configuration, we don't support the global configuration for now, only supports the properties from bpel bundle. we have had a jira https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RIFTSAW-156, which you could find useful for your contribution.


              Additionaly, you can go to wiki pages (http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RiftSaw) for more information about Riftsaw, it has some documents that should help you get familiar with RiftSaw codebase, like Building RiftSaw code etc.




              • 4. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

                For the activity failure recovery feature, we have issues for it now, I've created a jira for this: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RIFTSAW-209



                • 5. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

                  For your information, I've verified the activity failure recover working on the current code base, which will be released on the CR2.

                  • 6. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

                    Hello everyone,


                    I have the following issue with the activity failure and recovery from ODE. I have a process that uses this activity for each invoke (if a service is not available) and runs perfect on my local machine which is a Windows, but if I deploy it on a Linux machine it doesn't work. It doesn't complain about anything, it simply ignores this activity and the process fails with a request timeout.



                                    <bpel:invoke name="Invoke_DBGetCustomer" partnerLink="DBPL" operation="GetCustomer" portType="..." inputVariable="..." outputVariable="...">

                                        <ext:failureHandling xmlns:ext="http://ode.apache.org/activityRecovery">






                    My question is: could it be that on the other machine the namespace cannot find the dependency?


                    I do the build with maven and I have in my local repository on both machines the library that should provide the activity definition.

                    I have the same version of JBoss and Riftsaw on both machines


                    Do you have any idea what could be the problem?


                    Thank you,


                    • 7. Re: Riftsaw configuration as ODE (wsa headers and failure policy)

                      Never mind, the Riftsaw versions were different . On the Linux machine I have the Riftsaw-2.0.0 and on Windows I have Riftsaw-2.2.0. So, for everyone that wants to use activity failure and recovery, do not use it with version 2.0.0.


