4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 26, 2012 9:39 AM by kparthibanvijay

    Problem with rich:modalPanel rendering


      Hello Guys,

      I have a problem with modalPanel. Please see the attached screen shot


      The modal panel is not renedered properly. When I set the autosize to ture, modelpanel body keeps scrolling down forever. if the autosize is set to false, header and body are shown in the same size.


      Somebody has the same problem? please help.


      Let me know if you need more information.


      -Parthiban Kumar

        • 1. Problem with rich:modalPanel rendering

          1) It looks like your screenshot is not attached.

          2) What browser are you using? Does it work the same in different browsers?

          3) Please provide some code snippets.

          4) What RF version are you using?

          • 2. Problem with rich:modalPanel rendering

            Please accept my apology for the delayed reply and also missing the attachment in the orginal post.


            Here are the details.


            Browser - IE8 (clearing cache helps, but problem comes up after a while, also clearing browser cache didnt solve the problem in other machines)

                Checked in firefox, it works fine in FF


            Richfaces version - 3.3.3


            here is the code snippet from my project


            <rich:modalPanel id="qcMsgPanleId" autosized="true">

               <f:facet name="header">

                <h:outputText value="QC Message for Error Code #{errorCodeTab.errorCodeType.code}"/>


                <h:panelGrid columns="2">


                    <h:inputTextarea rows="5" cols="100" value="#{errorCodeTab.qcMessages}"

                        title="Enter the error code display text, max 1500 characters"/>



                        <a4j:commandButton ajaxSingle="true" value="Close"

                            onclick="#{rich:component('qcMsgPanleId')}.hide();return false" />





            here is the screen shot



            • 3. Problem with rich:modalPanel rendering

              any clue guys? need more information from my side?



              • 4. Re: Problem with rich:modalPanel rendering

                If someone stuck with this issue, here is what I did.


                I have started using openfaces popup layer, instead of modal dialog. it works fine.

