2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 9, 2011 10:57 AM by peterj

    Getting memory issues "out of Heap "


      Hello Team,


      I have a major issues related to JBoss 5.1.0 which is causing me an Memory issue.


      We had server running on Max OSX , the max heap size set for JBoss here is 512mb.


      We are planning to migrate to Linux, the major concerns here with the same configuration for JBoss with 512mb as Heap Size, we are facing "out of memory"



      Can anyone please suggest me some performance tuning tips to avoid this error in Linux.Is there any patch for JBoss5.1.0 to increase the performance .


      looking forward for your help.




      Thanks in advance.


        • 1. Getting memory issues "out of Heap "


          'Out of memory' normaly not related to performance, it can caused by different reasons (see Javadoc can be thrown if any system resource is missed).


          So please post the boot.log to see the complete JVM parameter. Also a gc.log might helpful (see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/gc-tuning-6-140523.html)

          BTW what JVM version do you use?


          There is no patch of JBoss to increase the performance, it is a complex issue

          • 2. Getting memory issues "out of Heap "
            the max heap size set for JBoss here is 512mb.

            Have you tried the obvious fix of increasing the heap size? If so, how did that go?


            BTW, please do not paste log log files into your post - this topic has been rendered almost completely unreadable due to the size of the web page. Instead, attach the log file to the post. I suggest that you edit your post (the one with the log text) to clean this up.