1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 13, 2011 9:27 AM by clebert.suconic

    Typical hornetq standalone configuration for dev




      We intent to use HornetQ as the standard broker for our development environment. The idea is that we want to move to a simpler model (tomcat/jetty) but some of our components require a JMS broker. We would like to make that a commodity by having hornetq running as a windows service on the developer's laptop.


      We are also considering moving to JBoss6 for production.


      I already had a look to the post regarding windows service (http://community.jboss.org/message/561915) and I think we have something that is working properly.


      Do you have any recommendation as far as the configuration is concerned, i.e. a typical setup that would be tradeoff between resource consumption and feature knowing that we're not going to use heavily the broker in the dev environment of course.



