6 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2011 11:11 AM by stefanorg

    a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working


      Hi all,


      i want to set the id on a link in a dataTable, because i want to set up a test and i need it.


      i've a rich:dataTable, the first column is a link to edit the element :


          <f:facet name="header">
               <h:outputText value="Username" />
          <a4j:htmlCommandLink id="_#{item.username}_editLink" action="editUser">
               <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item.id}" target="#{utentiBean.id}"/>
              <h:outputText value="#{item.username}"/>


      #{item.username} is not null because i can see it rendered in the table <h:outputText value="#{item.username}"/> but the link id is not correct, it is in this form:



      Thanks for any help

        • 1. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working



          How does 'item' is defined on the page?

          • 2. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working

            Hi Nick,


            'item' is the var attribute of a rich:dataTable, i've my own component that wraps a rich:dataTable:


            <link:dataTable id="superList"


                                                                        headerText="Lista Utenti"






                                                                                  <f:facet name="header">

                                                                                            <h:outputText value="Username" />


                                                                                  <a4j:htmlCommandLink action="editUser">

                                                                                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item.id}" target="#{utentiBean.id}"/>

                                                                                            <h:outputText value="#{item.username}"/>




                                                                                  <f:facet name="header">

                                                                                            <h:outputText value="Soggetti Associati" />


                                                                                  <a4j:htmlCommandLink action="editUser">

                                                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item.id}" target="#{utentiBean.id}"/>

                                                <h:outputText id="sizeSoggetti" value="Visualizza (#{item.sizeSoggetti})" rendered="#{item.sizeSoggetti>0}" />

                                                <rich:toolTip value="#{item.nomiSoggettiAssociati}" for="sizeSoggetti" rendered="#{item.sizeSoggetti>0}"/>




                                                                        <ui:define name="buttons">

                                                                                  <h:commandButton styleClass="icon-add" value="Aggiungi Nuovo" action="editUser"/>




            where link:dataTable inside is:













            • 3. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working

              It doesn't work that way - component tree is built and id is assigned *before* collection is iterated over.

              • 4. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working

                so it's not possible to use a value from the collection to build the id? If you would like to create an id depending on some value of your collection, there is a way to do that?

                • 5. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working

                  Generally no, check this article that describes the related problem: http://www.ilikespam.com/blog/c:foreach-vs-ui:repeat-in-facelets

                  • 6. a4j:htmlCommandLink dynamic id not working

                    ok thanks!!