10 Replies Latest reply on Mar 23, 2011 7:02 AM by jeanmarie

    Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?


      Hi All,


      I know there is two way to create queues

      - Manually, with xml files

      - via JMX (Core Api or JMS)


      We need durable queues (always available after a restart). I'm not sure about JMX to do this.

      Yes, it's more simple and fast, but is it 100% safe ??



      Thanks for your help.

        • 1. Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

          yes its 100% safe as long as you create them as durable

          • 2. Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

            Thanks for your response.


            I've created a queue under org.hornetq.Queue.Core, named (Q_TEST_JMS).




            But we can't use it from our java code.


            HornetQ logs only contains this error :


            Connection failure has been detected: Did not receive ping from /x.x.x.x:49589. It is likely the client has exited or crashed without closing its connection, or the network between the server and client has failed. The connection will now be closed. [code=3]


            If we try to use a queue created manually, it work.



            Do you think it's a queue setup problem ?



            Thanks in advance

            • 3. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

              ...and this error from the client console


              Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Q_TEST_JMS not bound

              • 4. Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                you probably created a core queue, not a JMS queue.


                What object did you use?

                • 5. Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                  take a look at the user manual to see how core queues differe from jms queues, also you could use the jms management api to create the queues instead

                  • 6. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?




                    I have tried to create a core queue and a jms queue.

                    In both case, i get



                    Q_xxxxxx  not bound



                    I take a look at the user guide but can't find my trouble at this point...



                    Thanks for your replies

                    • 7. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                      posting some of your code may help?

                      • 8. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                        Yep. I'm sure you know the author of this example



                        You can take a look at the JMX console when i create the queue.







                        package org.hornetq.jms.example;



                        import java.io.File;

                        import java.io.FileInputStream;

                        import java.util.Properties;

                        import java.util.logging.Logger;



                        import javax.jms.Connection;

                        import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;

                        import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;

                        import javax.jms.MessageProducer;

                        import javax.jms.Queue;

                        import javax.jms.Session;

                        import javax.jms.TextMessage;

                        import javax.naming.InitialContext;




                        * A simple JMS Queue example that creates a producer and consumer on a queue and sends then receives a message.


                        * @author <a href="ataylor@redhat.com">Andy Taylor</a>


                        public class QueueExample


                                   protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QueueExample.class.getName());




                           public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception


                              //new QueueExample().run(args);


                                     QueueExample ex = new QueueExample();







                           public boolean runExample() throws Exception


                              Connection connection = null;

                              InitialContext initialContext = null;



                                 // Step 1. Create an initial context to perform the JNDI lookup.

                                 initialContext = getContext(0);



                                 // Step 2. Perfom a lookup on the queue

                                 Queue queue = (Queue)initialContext.lookup("queue/Q_JMS_TEST");



                                 // Step 3. Perform a lookup on the Connection Factory

                                 ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)initialContext.lookup("/ConnectionFactory");



                                 // Step 4.Create a JMS Connection

                                 connection = cf.createConnection();



                                 // Step 5. Create a JMS Session

                                 Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);



                                 // Step 6. Create a JMS Message Producer

                                 MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);



                                 // Step 7. Create a Text Message

                                 TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("This is a text message");



                                 System.out.println("Sent message: " + message.getText());



                                 // Step 8. Send the Message

                                 for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)




                                 // Step 9. Create a JMS Message Consumer

                                 MessageConsumer messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(queue);



                                 // Step 10. Start the Connection




                                 // Step 11. Receive the message

                                 TextMessage messageReceived = null;

                                 while((messageReceived = (TextMessage)messageConsumer.receive(5000)) != null)

                                           System.out.println("Received message: " + messageReceived.getText());



                                 return true;




                                 // Step 12. Be sure to close our JMS resources!

                                 if (initialContext != null)




                                 if (connection != null)






                           protected InitialContext getContext(final int serverId) throws Exception


                              String jndiFilename = "server" + serverId + "/client-jndi.properties";

                              File jndiFile = new File(jndiFilename);

                              log.info("using " + jndiFile + " for jndi");

                              Properties props = new Properties();

                              FileInputStream inStream = null;



                                 inStream = new FileInputStream(jndiFile);





                                 if (inStream != null)





                              return new InitialContext(props);





                        • 9. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                          you need to set the jndiBindings as well, this is what the queue will be bound to jndi with

                          • 10. Re: Is create queue with JMX a good idea ?

                            Great ! it works.


                            Now i have to find how can the queue can be used after a service restart. (it's appear under the core section but not under JMS)

                            Answer is probably int the user guide ?


