3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 23, 2011 4:02 PM by van.halbert

    JPA Table Names


      Table names in Modeshape as of 2.4.0 are quite inconsistent. I propose changing the Table names to a default standard (like "MODE_"), so that future tables would follow this standard. What do you guys think ?


      See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/MODE-1126 for more info.

        • 1. JPA Table Names

          I created a new branch with the proposed changes:



          • 2. Re: JPA Table Names

            This certainly would be fine for new users of ModeShape, or users that don't yet have databases they want to keep.


            However, anyone that is using ModeShape 2.4.0.Final (or earlier) would need to perform some database migration process on any existing database they want to keep. My only concern with doing this now (as opposed to in a 3.0 release) is that we'd have to provide a very easy way to do this migration. So I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on how easy we can make this. For example, should we provide some DML/DDL scripts out of the box for some DBMSes? Could we change ddl-gen script (in 'modeshape-jpa-ddl-gen') to be able to spit out the migration script for a particular DBMS? Is there an easy way to do this in our code??


            We can either make this change now, or postpone it for the next major release (3.0), which we don't really have much of an idea when that will be. But I would like to see some input from the community.

            • 3. JPA Table Names

              I believe there's a requirement that a minor release should not break backwards compatibility and require any database migration.   If its added, it should be optional for the user.