1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 24, 2011 8:10 AM by wdfink

    When JBoss should be restarted?




      I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question.


      We have an application which is runing on JBoss 5 application server in production environment. I just wanted to know is it required to restart the JBoss every night or once in a week or in a month?


      Or it would be great if you could please suggest for how long we can keep on runing the JBoss without restart assuming that the application does not have any memory leaks.



        • 1. When JBoss should be restarted?

          If you don't have bugs and memory leaks I suppose the JBoss might not restarted except the system is

          But I think there are several necessities to restart


          I have an app where the JBoss is up more than one or two months.