1 2 3 4 Previous Next 56 Replies Latest reply on Jul 17, 2011 12:10 PM by henk53

    JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???




      We're currently in process of switching to JBoss AS 6. To my surprize I found the following in a JIRA comment:

      "Now that work is well underway with AS7, all previous community releases are end-of-lifed. So, all issues not directly assigned to an AS7 release are being closed.

      JBoss EAP is our supported enterprise version of AS, and you can file your issues against any release during its very long support window via CSP/RHN.

      If you believe your issue is still relevant to AS7 then please verify it and reopen."


      See: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-8895


      I'm not entirely sure what to think of this. AS7 is indeed underway, but it's not ready yet. AS6 is the latest community edition. To call it "end-of-life" maybe doesn't send the right signal?


      Next to that, wasn't there a JBoss AS 6.1 planned?

        • 1. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???
          • 2. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

            jaikiran pai wrote:




            With all due respect and a thousand apologies in advance for my ignorance, but that link is to an email that references a web page that says that a JBoss AS 6.1 may or may not come at an unknown time in the future?


            But the quote from Jason says JBoss AS 6 is being end-of-lifed, while it's still basically hot off the press. There isn't a JBoss EAP 6 yet, right? (according to Shelly this will be based on JBoss AS 7: see http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/01/jboss-as-6-interview).


            So I really don't get why JBoss has end-of-lifed its brand new Java EE 6 implementation, after only 3 months and with no replacement available. Or was this done because there are too many bugs in JBoss AS 6 and JBoss does not recommend it for production use?


            Sorry for so many question, but I'm really confused about this. Hope you can shed some light on it.

            • 3. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???



              You'd think that because The Community (whatever that means) spent a lot of time filing bugs, providing patches, and trying to get them addressed, that the JBoss people would at least not suddenly close the lot of them.


              Still, I admit there's tons of bugs that haven't been touched in years and for whatever reason never marked out-of-date.


              I don't expect AS7 to be "less buggy" than AS6, but maybe more attention will be made since it's going to turn into the next EAP product. I'd like to help out with AS7 but it's really not complete, even if it is supposedly being released end of May.

              • 4. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                AS 6.1 appears to have vanished from the versions list. Please put it back before the conspiracy theorists attack! ;-)


                (it's still there if you go from a 6.1 schduled JIRA)

                • 5. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                  But some clarification would perhaps be in place.

                  The EOL can't apply to the unreleased 6.1, can it? Because that would mean releasing a dead-on-arrival server.

                  • 6. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                    Thanks for the link, but I'm especially curious why the latest stable version of JBoss AS is end-of-lifed.

                    • 7. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                      Jboss 6 already EOL? Really?

                      • 8. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                        "End-of-life" was perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. It's open source so there really is no such thing as an EOL project, as the code is readily available. What I meant was that the AS development team (and active contributors) are focusing their efforts on 7, and will not be actively pursuing issues on 6. If some members of the community are interested in further developing 6, and are willing to produce enough good quality, well tested patches to be worth a release (including taking a look at the issues assigned to 6.1.0), we would be willing to take 6.1.0 off hold.


                        For those wondering about why all unscheduled issues where closed, see my write-up on the as7 dev list:



                        Note that JBoss EAP6, the next version of our enterprise supported product, will be based on AS7 and not AS6.

                        • 9. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                          Nicklas Karlsson wrote:


                          AS 6.1 appears to have vanished from the versions list. Please put it back before the conspiracy theorists attack! ;-)


                          (it's still there if you go from a 6.1 schduled JIRA)


                          I unarchived the release in case you guys decide to file patches against it.

                          • 10. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                            I may sound a bit harsh but here is a theoretical discussion on monday morning:


                            *knocks on Boss's door*


                            Me: You wanted to talk to me?

                            Boss: Yes, I'd like to talk you about the status of the JBoss AS 6.

                            Boss: The issues you worked on for the couple of last week and JIRA:d, are they progressing?

                            Me: Ummm, I need to talk you about that.

                            Boss: Yes?

                            Me: Well, it sort of went EOL.

                            Boss: EOL!? But it's only months old!

                            Me: Well, yes...

                            Boss: That's not EOL! That's DOA!

                            Me: Umm, but they have this beta2 of their next one...

                            Boss: What!? File the JIRAs against that, then

                            Me: Umm, I tried, most don't even run becase the subsystems aren't there yet.

                            Boss: But this new one? It's going to be released real soon now? And the schedule will hold? And it will be production ready from 7.0.0.Final?

                            Me: Umm, it *could* happen...

                            Boss: What!? So, what *is* their current supported community release

                            Me: Umm, remember this beta I mentioned?

                            Boss: GET OUT!

                            Me: Wait, I could still compile the AS 6 trunk myself...

                            Boss: OUT!

                            Me: I could even call it 6.2

                            Boss: OUUUUUTTTT!


                            Sorry, just had to vent. I know you are trying hard.

                            • 11. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                              Very well put.


                              It seems clear in retrospect, that JBoss.AS.6 release was something that should have been avoided.

                              • 12. JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                                Sounds familiar to JBoss AS 5.2 that also didn't happen.



                                • 13. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???

                                  Nicklas Karlsson wrote:


                                  Boss: What!? So, what *is* their current supported community release


                                  Well we don't really have one.  If you want support and long lifetimes, we have EAP for that purpose.

                                  • 14. Re: JBoss AS 6 end-of-lifed???



                                    It was decided to separate delivering EE6 and a major architectural evolution in two separate releases so that developers wanting to build ee6 applications would have less of a wait. Note that AS5 took a long time, and developers where complaining that it was taking to long to get their hands on EE5.  So this time around we decided to base EE6 on AS5 technology. We could have called it 5.x but we felt that a very different set of spec APIs should cause a new major version. It also left the door open to do more 6 releases should 7 take longer than expected. So far things are executing to plan so we don't see a huge pressing need for another 6 interim release.


                                    Keep in mind that the community release series is about delivering innovation and cutting edge features as fast as possible. We don't have a long term conservative bugfix only stream, professional support, or strict compatibility requirements. That is what EAP is focused on providing.


                                    That said, AS is still open for the community to take it where they like. If someone wants to step up and continue 6, we would certainly provide assitance.


                                    Lastly, it's a bit much to say 6 is better off not existing. It's free code that is the result of significant man hours of work.

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