1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 7, 2009 5:17 PM by nbelaevski

    Can not navigation to next page

      i have troubles to need you help me to correct this problem.

      i have to build the index page to include many pages into that it run calls when the program executed.

       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
       <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=1.0)">
       <title>JSP Page</title>
       <body class="hinhnen">
       <f:view >
       <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="left: 87px; width: 850px;
       position: absolute; top: 0px">
       <td colspan="3" style="width: 850px; height: 133px" valign="top">
       <jsp:include page="../pages/header.html" flush="true"/>
       <td colspan="3" style="border-top: #ffffff 1px outset; width: 850px;background-color: #ffddcc;" valign="top">
       <a4j:include viewId="../pages/Menu.jsp"/>
       <td style="width: 180px; height: 19px ;background-color: #ffffcc;" align="center" valign="top">
       <a4j:include viewId="../pages/MenuLeft.jsp"/>
       <td colspan="2" style="width: 670px; height: 600px" valign="top">
       <a4j:include viewId="../CreateAccount/firstStep.jsp"/>
       <td colspan="3" style="height: 25px" valign="top">
       <jsp:include page="../pages/footer.jsp" flush="true"/>

      i use the mapping based on the firststep.jsp to check the firststep.jsp page and navigate to the GoStep2.jsp page when i executed suitable requirement.
      i have map the faces-config.xml something like that:


      and firstStep.jsp

      <h:form id="UserForm" >
       <div style="text-align: left">
       <div style="text-align: left">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%">
       <td style="width: 90%; height: 60px;" align="center" valign="top">
       Congratulations! You're ready to begin<br />
       the account opening process with goldtradingcenter.com</td>
       <td style="width: 90%">
       <h:panelGrid style="width: 100%;height:100%" columns="2" border="0">
       <rich:panel header="Provide persional Information for Primary Account Holder:" style="background-color: #ebf3fd;">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%">
       <td style="width: 50%; height: 30px" align="center">
       <h:outputText value="First Name:" styleClass="outputtext"/>
       <h:inputText id="firstname" value="#{Profile.firstName}" styleClass="inputbox" required="true"/>
       <td style="width: 50%; height: 30px" align="center">
       <h:outputText value="Last Name :" styleClass="outputtext"/>
       <h:inputText id="lastname" value="#{Profile.lastName}" styleClass="inputbox" required="true"/>
       <td colspan="1" style="height: 15px" align="left">
       <h:message for="firstname" styleClass="errors"/>
       <td colspan="1" style="width:50%; height: 15px" align="center">
       <h:message for="lastname" styleClass="errors"/>
       <td style="width: 50%; height: 30px" align="center">
       <h:outputText value="Email:" styleClass="outputtext"/>
       <h:inputText id="email" value="#{Profile.email}" styleClass="inputbox" required="true"/>
       <td style="width: 50%; height: 30px" align="center">
       <h:outputText value="Verify Email:" styleClass="outputtext"/>
       <h:inputText id="verify" value="#{Profile.confirmEmail}" styleClass="inputbox" required="true"/>
       <td colspan="1" style="height: 15px" align="left">
       <h:message for="email" styleClass="errors"/>
       <td colspan="1" style="height: 15px" align="center">
       <h:message for="verify" styleClass="errors"/>
       <td colspan="3" style="width: 85%; height: 30px" align="center">
       <h:selectOneRadio value="#{Profile.typeaccount}" styleClass="outputtext">
       <f:selectItems value="#{Profile.typeAccountItems}"/>
       <td colspan="3" style="width: 85%; height: 35px" align="center">
       <h:commandButton id="Next" value="Submit" action="#{Profile.Validation}" styleClass="submitButton"/>
       <td style="width: 100px">
       <td style="width: 85%">

      i can not navigate to the GoStep2.jsp page ,although everything is executed correctly on the firstStep.jsp page.

      hope that you give to me advice.

      thank regards