1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 31, 2011 3:38 AM by lfryc

    .rf-drp-hlight and .rf-drp-hvr - how do they work in RF 4.0.0.Final?




      According to Developer Guide 4 RF 4.0.0.Final, <rich:dropTarget>'s style depends on .rf-drp-hvr and .rf-drp-hlight style classes. Similar mechanism applies to <rich:dragIndicator> via properties acceptClass, rejectClass and draggingClass combined with .rf-ind-acpt, .rf-ind-rejt and .rf-ind-drag style classes. Nevertheless, I cannot see any <rich:dropTarget>'s property to adapt style class selectors (no-selector, pure style classes do not work either).


      So, how do those "styles" work in RF 4.0.0.Final?





        • 1. Re: .rf-drp-hlight and .rf-drp-hvr - how do they work in RF 4.0.0.Final?

          Hi Pawel,


          <rich:dropTarget> is kind of behavior which adds droppable behavior to target component.

          So it should not be styled, you can style it's parent component instead.


          <rich:dropTarget> adds styles .rf-drp-hvr and .rf-drp-hlight to be able react on dragging over by changing of class.


          <rich:dragIndicator> provides visual representation which can be customized by both using built-in style classes or using own classes for each state of dragging.