2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 31, 2011 4:55 PM by arnieoag

    Seam Portlet runs, but does not render


      I have several portlets that were developed on "code preview" versions of the bridge and Seam 2.2, etc.


      Now I'm porting them to EPP 5.1 with all supported versions. Of the five, only two work - in that they deploy and run and render output.


      The other three deploy and even start (breakpoints stop) but absolutely nothing is rendered.


      There are no errors in the logs, I have even added things like:


          <category name="com.sun.facelets">

              <priority value="TRACE"/>

              <appender-ref ref="OAG"/>


          <category name="org.jboss.seam">

              <priority value="TRACE"/>

              <appender-ref ref="OAG"/>



      to my log4j configuration and still nothing is sent to the logs.


      I even point the pages.xml file to a non-existant page - STILL NO ERROR!


      I do not know if the bridge is the culprit - swallowing something - but I cannot diagnose when there's nothing to investigate.


      Is there ANYTHING I can set somewhere to force logging output?