1. Memory Leak using jbossprofiler 2.0 beta 5 and JDK 6
jesper.pedersen Mar 21, 2011 10:19 AM (in response to kiran_yalamati)Use JBoss Profiler 1.x.
Version 2.0 doesn't do memory leak detection yet, since the JVMTI backend hasn't been implemented yet.
2. Memory Leak using jbossprofiler 2.0 beta 5 and JDK 6
geetamani1 Mar 28, 2011 2:41 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)i have downloaded jboss-profiler-1.0.CR4 on windows XP machine.performed all the steps below.
1)copy jboss-profiler-noAOP.sar to the JBoss AS deploy directory
2) put jbossInspector.dll in your PATH (Windows)
or libjbossInspector.so in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux/Unix)
3) copy jboss-profiler.war to the JBoss AS deploy directory
1) Add something like this to the JBoss JVM options: -XrunjbossInspector:/tmp/profiler,include=com.unisys,ignore=*,memory=false
Make sure the output directory (/tmp/profiler in this example) exists.
1) In the jmx-console, use the jboss.profiler Native-profiler mbean to activate profiling
2) Exercise your application
3) In the jmx-console, use the jboss.profiler Native-profiler mbean to stop profiling (if you forget to do this, you will
probably get a java.io.EOFException when you try to use the analyzer war)
4) Analyze results using the JBoss Profiler web app at localhost:8080/jboss-profiler
Example analysis:
a. Click on 'Runtime Profiler'
b. Enter the output directory, for example, /tmp/profiler
c. next step does not show me the process ids.
not sure what i am missing here.
3. Memory Leak using jbossprofiler 2.0 beta 5 and JDK 6
knkpchari Apr 1, 2011 3:37 AM (in response to geetamani1)Hi Geeta,
I am started the jboss using recently. Can you please help me in providing the document for
binding the jprofiler with jboss 4.2.2. I am getting the java.net.socketerror. I want to find where
the problem is.
Thanks in advance