1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2011 10:30 AM by gmassenzano Go to original post
      • 15. after form-submit: Target component for id not found

        Hi Murali,


        HAve  you tried putting the primaryContLink on your reRender tag? Since primaryContLink is on the main form and you are reRendering it from the modal panel, maybe you need to add prefix like main.primaryContLink, or whatever the parent's form name. But i'm just guessing, like I said before, try to check the UI ids, maybe you're calling a non existing field.

        • 16. after form-submit: Target component for id not found

          Hi Joey / Nimo / Murali,

          I am facing the same you have already mentioned, rendering works fine, however I get that warning message of "Target component id not found".

          Can you please tell me how did you manage that?

          Thanks in advance,


          • 17. after form-submit: Target component for id not found

            Gerardo, for every case even if it looks "similar" it's better to provide the code. That message could appear because of different reasons.

            • 18. Re: after form-submit: Target component for id not found

              Hi Ilya, thanks for your replay. This is the code:


                   <rich:simpleTogglePanel id="#{id}" switchType="client" label="#{messages[label]}:">

                        <h:form id="#{formId}">

                             <s:div styleClass="formContainer">

                                     <ui:include src="#{searchPanelSrc}" />

                                      <s:div styleClass="buttonContainer">

                                                <a4j:commandButton id="search" action="#{searchPanel.searchAction()}" value="#{messages['common.search']}" disabled="#{formValidations.hasErrors()}" reRender="#{reRenderOnSearch}">



                                                <a4j:commandButton id="clearButton" action="#{searchPanel.clear(formId)}" value="#{messages['common.clear']}" immediate="true" reRender="#{id}"/>






              When clear button is pressed, the correspondent action is executed, the panel is correctly rerendered with empty values, and the following message is shown:


              WARN org.ajax4jsf.context.AjaxContext  - Target component for id paymentSearch not found


              In this case paymentSearch is the value for id.

              • 19. Re: after form-submit: Target component for id not found

                I guess you populating the panels in iteration? which component you using for that?

                • 20. Re: after form-submit: Target component for id not found

                  It is not an interation, it is being used a custom component with only one search panel in the page, which fields are included dynamically using <ui:include src="#{searchPanelSrc}"/> (the source depends on the loaded page).

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