2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 26, 2011 2:39 PM by ryanhos

    Issue with default file detector


      The defaut file detector in the esb has a file filter define following filters

      1) inputSuffix

      2) postSuffix

      3) error suffix etc...


      How to add a new filter for prefix? suppose we want to detect a file that starts with something than what are the options?

      I tried regular expression in above suffix but no luck


      Had anyone done this before in ESB file detector?

      I would not like to do this as a detector quartz job but looks like that is the alternative left .

      The job will then have to feed the bus via jms gateway :-(



      All suggestions are welcome



        • 1. Issue with default file detector

          Right... the file gateway is limited in this way.  Have you tried using the file connector on the camel gateway?  See the camel based quickstart.

          • 2. Issue with default file detector

            Search the programmer's guide for the string "file-filter-class".  It allows you to inject your own java.io.FileFilter.


            That being said, we've discarded the default file gateway class and gone the "scheduled invocation" route that you noted above, because we needed more functionality from the file gateways than was possible with the default implementation.