1. Implementing the new choice syntax
objectiser Apr 12, 2011 6:06 PM (in response to perneto)I think the first priority at the moment is to complete the draft of the scribble protocol type syntax doc.
However this should now be able to include the new choice construct, although I am not sure how widely the 'introduces' construct has been discusssed? Has a syntax been agreed for this? If so, then it could also be included in the draft.
Once the draft is ready, given that we are planning on a discussion/comment period of a month, that would probably be a good time to update the syntax/model - and then do one more release after the final version is agreed.
2. Implementing the new choice syntax
perneto Apr 12, 2011 6:13 PM (in response to objectiser)Ok, that sounds reasonable. Who is writing the spec? Is there a shared document I can have a look at?
3. Implementing the new choice syntax
objectiser Apr 13, 2011 4:45 AM (in response to perneto)We are still discussing some of the issues, so the spec hasn't officially started yet. We've been delayed a bit due to several unforeseen circumstances.
Will let you know when there is something to view.....