6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2011 10:07 AM by ksurendra

    vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable


      how can i get a verticalscrollbar on a extendeddatatable?

      i tried a surrounding div with style="overflow-x:scroll"

      but it doesn't work...

        • 1. Re: vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable

          Hi AJanz ...

          Try this code:

          <a4j:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto; height:150px;">
           <rich:dataTable width="100%" value="#{dataTableBean.list}" var="item">

          • 2. Re: vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable

            and how can I put a horizontal scrollbar?

            I tried it with

            <a4j:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto; width:150px;">

            but no horizontal scrollbar appears.

            • 3. Re: vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable

              Try to set "width" AND "height"

              • 4. vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable

                Thanks these worked.


                <a4j:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto; width:480px; height:455px;">   


                          <rich:column .... />




                But this scrolls the entire table. Is there way to freeze the fist row like we do it in "scrollableDataTable", but using this component?

                • 5. vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable

                  if it was so simple - there will be no need in our component


                  So probably the only way to use something like:


                     <div> without scrolls

                        <table>... frozen part


                     <div> with scrolls

                        <table> scrollable part




                  P.S. RF 4 extended table contains of all 3.3 features EDT and SDT unified.

                  • 6. vertical scrollbar on extendeddatatable



                    The problem i was having was by default using 3.3.2.GA, extendedDataTable was not showing the "vertical scrollbar" in Firefox 3.6, IE7.

                    When I updated the version to "3.3.3.Final" and it WORKED for me.


                    I understand there is a jira-bug still open to be fixed with extendedDataTable using 3.3.2.GA on FF3.6, IE7 etc.