1. Configuring JBossAS 6
wdfink Apr 18, 2011 11:04 AM (in response to tamias)Depend to what you want, copy the server/XXX directory into your prefered name and start run.sh -c <your name>.
The template directory is:
all -> deploy all including cluster
default -> deploy all excluding cluster
minimal -> deploy only core
standard -> deploy a JEE spec conform server
You might add or remove services to your configuration as you like.
Also you have the original to compare if something unexpected happen.
2. Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 18, 2011 2:27 PM (in response to wdfink)Yes, this is exactly what i have found on the web. I tried starting with the default configuration and deleting unneceary services and backwards , with the minimal configuration and adding needed services. Each way I end up with tones of errors. That's why I was asking for a more explicite example.
3. Configuring JBossAS 6
peterj Apr 18, 2011 2:38 PM (in response to tamias)See also this: http://community.jboss.org/message/596832#596832
The links to slimming that Wolf-Dieter provides are probably the closest you will get to any documentation about this.
The best way to do slimming is to remove one service at a time and try running the app server. If you get an error and cannot easily figure out why you got the error and fix theproblem, then undo that and try something else.
If you remove a single service and get an error, and you can reproduce that by removing that service from a clean installation of AS 6.0.0.Final, then you could post the errors (from the clean installation) here to get help. Please start a new discusion for each service removed that causes problems.
4. Re: Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 18, 2011 2:46 PM (in response to peterj)Thank you for your advices.
One last question and I will start working on that: I have several servers that I will have to deploy. I don't use either EJB/JMS nor servlets/JSF (what Tomcat I read is best for). So, in other words, I will have to deploy a simple j2se application(server). So my question is ... is jboss a good/the best choise for that ? If it isn't, can you suggest another AS ?
Thank you
5. Configuring JBossAS 6
wdfink Apr 18, 2011 3:51 PM (in response to tamias)tamias schrieb:
If you don't use EJB/JMS/JSF/servlets I ask myself what you mean by a simple J2SE application. All application server are build to handle JEE applications.
6. Re: Configuring JBossAS 6
peterj Apr 18, 2011 3:57 PM (in response to tamias)There is no such thing as a "j2se application server". What kind of services are you expecting from a Java EE Application Server if you will not be using messaging, EJB, nor servlets? What do you actuially expect to deploy on the application server?
7. Re: Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 18, 2011 4:11 PM (in response to peterj)A "sar". A simple j2se server. The jboss will connect to a database through the ds. The server will access that db via jboss and will open a port for waiting clients. I thought I could use jboss so I will not run a simple jar in cmd because the monitoring and management of the server would be much easier this way.
8. Re: Configuring JBossAS 6
peterj Apr 18, 2011 4:29 PM (in response to tamias)Start with server/jbossweb-standalone and remove the web components (deployers/jbossweb.deployer, deploy/ROOT.war, deploy/jbossweb.sar). That might get you a minimal configuration that still supports datastores and the JNDI/RMI mechanism necessary to access the datasource.
9. Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 19, 2011 1:54 AM (in response to tamias)Thank you for your assistance! I will try that.
10. Configuring JBossAS 6
wdfink Apr 19, 2011 2:33 AM (in response to tamias)Mmmh, sounds a bit complicated to me, we refactor an application with a similar approach.
You should think whether a real JEE application bring you more benefit or not.
But I'm sure that there are also a glue to the old J2SE implementationstyle
11. Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 19, 2011 3:35 AM (in response to peterj)Peter, are you sure that server/jbossweb-standalone supports datastores ? It doesn't seem that to me. I hope I;m not wrong but when I copy the -ds.xml file in the deploy of the server/jbossweb-standalone nothing happends, no error, nothing. When I do the same thing with the default configuration it works fine. I suppose there are some more services that jbossweb-standalone needs in order to be able to deploy a -ds.xml. I hope I am not worng.
12. Configuring JBossAS 6
peterj Apr 19, 2011 8:17 AM (in response to tamias)No, I haven't tried it. I just assumed that the jbossweb-standalone would have the same capabilities as the web config within AS 5.1.0. But I see now that it is missing the deployers/jboss-jca.deployer directory. You could try copying that from default and see if that works.
The other possibility is that since you actually don't want to use any capabilities of the application server, use AS 5.1.0 instead and use the web config slimmed down like I suggested. I know that supports *-ds.xml files. Also, as far as I can tell the support for *-ds.xml files hasn't changed in any significant way for several releases so it should not matter that much that you are using the previous release.
13. Re: Configuring JBossAS 6
tamias Apr 21, 2011 8:21 AM (in response to peterj)Hi,
So I succesuflly removed next services from the default configuration: SEAM, JSF, EJB2, JMS, Key Generator Service, XA Datasources Service, SQL Exceptions Service, Invokers, Clustering (I am not sure i should remove this one), WS service, Hypersonic DB, Bsh Deployer. I also turned off hot deployment by removing deploy/hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml and I removed deploy//ROOT.war. I wasn't however able to remove deployers/jbossweb.deployer, deploy/jbossweb.sar and EJB3.
1. Any suggestions on how to remove these services?
2. Any other suggestions of any more services that I can remove?
3. Should I also remove jars corresponding to the services removed from common/lib? As I have learned, jboss spends a minnimum time to create some empty temporary folders corresponding to those jars even if their services aren't deployed.
4. Like 3. Same question about the files from conf. Also .. any lead on witch exactly these files and jars are would be ok.
Thank you
I was able to remove deployers/jbossweb.deployer, deploy/jbossweb.sar by also removing the console activators for jmx and jboss ws. Only EJB3 left.