1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 20, 2011 1:57 AM by jaikiran

    Configure JBOSS 6.0 to deploy Ear and War file for two different ports respectively....


      I am new to jboss 6.0.Before I used to use jboss 4.2.2


      I have a ear file and a war file so need to deploy them using  two different ports such as 8080 and 8180 respectively...


      Previously in  jboss 4.2.2 I followed these procedure:


      For 8080:EAR file deployment

      Deployed ear file in jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\default

      Command:   run.bat -b  [HOSTNAME]


      For 8180:WAR file deployment

      Configured in jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\node1 by making a copy of default and named as node1

      In jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\node1\conf \jboss-service.xml 


         <mbean code="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingManager"


           <attribute name="ServerName">ports-01</attribute>

           <attribute name="StoreURL">${jboss.home.url}/docs/examples/binding-manager/sample-bindings.xml</attribute>

           <attribute name="StoreFactoryClassName">




      Command:run -c node1 -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 -b [HOSTNAME]


      What are the similar configurations need to be done in JBOSS 6.0 to deploy a ear and war file in  8080,8180 respectively and what are commands need to run in command prompt?