2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 20, 2011 4:09 PM by ssilvert

    rich:comboBox and a4j:support onselect


      With reference at this discussion moved in the richfaces forum..: http://community.jboss.org/message/596525


      I've placed a phasetraker on the application with the browser when selecting the value, the event is fired and in the serve side log i can see the jsf phases correctly executed from 1 to 6.


      Running the test, the event is not fired and the "re rendering" is not exectuted:


      RichFacesClient rich = new RichFacesClient(this.client);

      rich.setComboBox("periodoCombo", "Personalizzato");


      the "onselect" event is not fired inside jsfunit/webclient? How to debug this? How can i help you to help me ?

