1. a4j:commandLink problem
nbelaevski Apr 21, 2011 5:37 PM (in response to geschtli)Hi,
It should work. What is your problem: ajax request not sent, error on server or on the client, smth. else?
2. a4j:commandLink problem
geschtli Apr 21, 2011 6:47 PM (in response to nbelaevski)Hello Nick
What you say. Request not send. Backing bean not filled.
Test itself. But not a simple side. Do it in 2 includes, and you can see
the effect.Nothing.You would no see something in the log.
Do a logger in your beans and you got no response in there.
(Test it with Jboss 6 and Myfaces.)
3. a4j:commandLink problem
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 22, 2011 5:12 AM (in response to geschtli)you sure that having complex templates wth includes not added nested forms by accident? It's not allowed in JSF.
4. a4j:commandLink problem
nbelaevski Apr 22, 2011 5:15 AM (in response to geschtli)Ok, if request is not send, then it should be client-side problem. Do you have JS errors in browser? Have you properly declared necessary h:head/h:body/h:form tags?
5. Re: a4j:commandLink problem
geschtli Apr 23, 2011 7:48 AM (in response to nbelaevski)Hello Ilya, Nick
Yes i have very complex templates with some nested forms in it. In some children i
must do a do double click to change the parameters from the backing beans.
That was the same problems how my former problems with
the sort-order in tables.
Now, i have no other solution found, to make parts (header, navigation, left area, content area, right area and footer)
from my side, so i can make partiell (ajax like) changes in the areas.
(E.g. A link (mouse click event) in the navigation-area, should only make a change in the content-area.)
I think, what i search for is, a java 'GridBagLayout' or 'BorderLayout' in richfaces, to do this job.
Is there such component already available?
6. Re: a4j:commandLink problem
geschtli Apr 24, 2011 2:13 PM (in response to geschtli)At last now i have found a solution for my problems.
Sorry, but it seems that the richfaces 4 have a little bug in its commandLink component.
I simple changed all my commandLink calls from
<a4j:commandLink to <h:commandLink and all works correct
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
it seems that something counts all <a4j:commandLink 's after each redering,
and the count is than the click-count for the next <a4j:commandLink..
rendering rendering
<a4j:commandLink -> <a4j:commandlink -> <a4j:commandLink ->.....
needs one click needs two clicks needs three clicks
the richfaces user normally awaits a click per <a4j:commandLink - command,
and thinks in that moment, it's program doesn't work.
But a double or threetime click does reveal that the program work's.
Your database test program work's perfect, also the commands '<a4j:param' and '<f:setPropertyActionListener' .
Problem is, to jump into your demo over a '<a4j:commandLink', then
you must double click to fire an event.
7. Re: a4j:commandLink problem
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 25, 2011 2:01 AM (in response to geschtli)http://community.jboss.org/message/601332#601332 I guess that's really JSF issue from that thread.
8. Re: a4j:commandLink problem
geschtli Apr 25, 2011 7:03 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)Hi Ilya
I don't know.
I jump with a <h:commandLink into my program-part and
use than <a4j:commandLink and it works all correct.
But now, i have found another nasty little problem.
Setting a value direct in a page, e.g. #{myBean.setRenderSide('mySide')} ,
does destroy all funktionallity from a <f:setPropertyActionListener target="..." value="..." />
and <a4j:param value="..." assignedTo="...." />
A setting in a backing bean is than imposssible.
Now i have the problem, to set a value in a backing bean, without
i must trigger an event.
9. a4j:commandLink problem
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 26, 2011 7:46 AM (in response to geschtli)any exception in server log or console?