8 Replies Latest reply on May 21, 2011 4:36 AM by jens.guenther

    HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage


      We are seeing some strange results for HornetQ in our test environment that is making everyone nervous about live deployment.

      Basically Virtual Memory balloons to 28gig after 24hours running on our test server!


      Our live setup is as follows


      1. Local Brokers which have topics for each set of clients.
      2. Master/Backup Brokers which route messages to the locals using bridges


      For the purposes of testing , we have taken the Master/Backup boxes out of the loop and simply wired the 'SendQueue' up to the 'ReceiveQueue' via a divert, which would be a bridge to the Master in live.

      We use diverts to place messages from the ReceiveQueue onto the relevant Topics (per 'AppDomain')

      There is also a Stomp Acceptor that allows for our database to send messages using a python script.

      All addresses are set to DROP after 10mb size as our messages are transitory.


      Currently there are about 50+ clients listening to a specific Topic. They produce a message for these topics at the rate of about one a second.Virtual Memory seems appears to leak at 1mb a second on the Test Broker.


      I have included the configurations for our test box , the spring file for the client connectors.


      Can anyone confirm that this behaviour is expected regarding Virtual Memory under HornetQ ?



      ....I am wracking my brain as I feel the use case is quite simple




        • 1. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

          I'm not sure about the virtual memory. Can you just analyze -verbose:gc?

          • 2. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

            Hi Clebert,


            Yes , we have that enabled and are analyzing.

            Strangely the java vm memory behaves quite normally, returning to correct levels at each full GC.

            The virtual memory on the linux server steadily trickles up to very large levels.

            Our production environment appears to behave correctly too .... but I have only been able to run very simple tests alongside our live machines on it




            • 3. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

              I think I have found it

              Not setting message expiry explicitly for these messages, and our thread-pool-max-size is the default of -1 (unbounded)

              This means that new threads are constantly being created.

              Since threads can have 700k of (virtual) os memory allocated,.... that accounts for the steady drip of virtual memory loss


              • 4. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

                We are looking at any possible leaks on stomp also. You are probably good to go now, but we will keep looking / investigating.


                I will appreciate if you have any extra info.

                • 5. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

                  I can confirm Paul's behaviour. We have brokers eating up all a servers (virtual) memory over time.


                  I'd just started a test set where I'd one broker and 10 clients connected. Everytime I start and stop a client more or less a new thread is created at the broker.


                  So far I got the "HornetQ-server-threads" under control by setting the server's thread-pool-max-size, though it is not suggested by the documentation. (Yes, I know, internally the Executors.newCachedThreadPool with default core size, unbounded max, and 60 secs timeout is used when I set the max-size to -1. Here, the pool was bounded for testing purposes)


                  But, still, the inital problem persists: There is a group of "pool-XX-thread-1" threads getting created along the other threads whenever a client connects and those won't be closed over time.


                  My question is: Where do the "pool-XX-thread-1" threads come from? It appears as if new pools were created, not only threads: the XX is going through the roof, the "thread-1" remains. So who / which HornetQComponent creates pools??


                  rock on

                  • 6. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

                    Default at 2.2 is 30, it's not unbounded.

                    • 7. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

                      You have pools at the client and at the server as documented.



                      The only other executor created is through AIO, but it doesn't grow. It stays constant for AIO poller and TimedBuffer checks.

                      • 8. HornetQ High Virtual Memory Usage

                        I'd monitored the broker's behaviour over night: all threads except the "pool-XX" threads are on a expected level. The pools are as many as I left the broker yesterday.


                        We're running at 2.1.2. Let me upgrade to 2.2 and do the checks again.