4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 19, 2009 5:53 AM by nbelaevski

    Problems with RichFaces and JavaScript


      Hello, I am using a library to crop images, but when the import libraries with <a4j:loadScript src="/view/mootools-for-crop.js" />
      <a4j:loadScript src="/view/UvumiCrop.js" />
      my file upload to work and the following errors in Firebug:

      his._each is not a function
      eachSlice()(function(), undefined)3_3_1.GA...cript.jsf (linha 31)
      implement()()mootools...r-crop.js (linha 9)
      $each([Object], function(), undefined)mootools...r-crop.js (linha 18)
      chain()()mootools...r-crop.js (linha 98)
      set()()mootools...r-crop.js (linha 275)
      mootools-for-crop.js()()mootools...r-crop.js (linha 274)
      [Break on this error] return before+String.interpret(ctx);});}...x++);});}catch(e){if(e!=$break)throw e;}
      3_3_1.GA...cript.jsf (linha 31)
      Element.hide is not a function
      onclick()()FileUpload.js.jsf (linha 35)
      processButtons()()FileUpload.js.jsf (linha 32)
      cancelUpload()("j_id_jsp_786965064_1:upload", "j_id_jsp_786965064_1", "/Crop/view/usuario.jsf", function(), function(), "j_id_jsp_786965064_1:j_id3", Object ADD=Object ADD_CONTENT=Object UPDATE=Object, null, 5, Object, false, Object bmp=true jpg=true png=true gif=true, Object autoclear=false autoUpload=false noDuplicate=false, Object progress=uploading stop=<b>Stop</b>, null, "86BD3956D2287A601DD4730827ACCBF9")FileUpload.js.jsf (linha 12)
      klass()3_3_1.GA...cript.jsf (linha 4)
      usuario.jsf()()usuario.jsf (linha 119)
      [Break on this error] return s;},disableCleanButton:function()...turn;}else{Element.show(d1.parentNode);}

      removing the <a4j: loadScript everything works normally, there is a way to overcome this problem and use the library of crop? javascript to use the library and this:
      http://tools.uvumi.com/crop.html, and already used in other projects that used only jsp and worked perfectly.
      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: Problems with RichFaces and JavaScript

          Need a hint?

          • 2. Re: Problems with RichFaces and JavaScript


            Looks like a conflict with Prototype JavaScript library. What JS files are included on the page?

            • 3. Re: Problems with RichFaces and JavaScript

              I am including the files are:
              <a4j:loadScript src="js/mootools-for-crop.js" />
              <a4j:loadScript src="js/UvumiCrop.js" />
              These files are from a library to crop the image following the link on the library:
              Is there a way around this problem?
              My JSF page

              <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
              <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
              <%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/rich" prefix="rich"%>
              <%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/a4j" prefix="a4j"%>
              <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
              <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/uvumi-crop.css"/>
               <script type="text/javascript" >
               new uvumiCropper('myImage',{
              $('input_top').set('value', top);
              $('input_left').set('value', left);
              $('input_width').set('value', width);
              $('input_height').set('value', height);
              .top {
               vertical-align: top;
              .info {
               height: 202px;
               overflow: auto;
               <a4j:form id="myForm">
               <a4j:loadScript src="/js/mootools-for-crop.js" />
               <a4j:loadScript src="/js/UvumiCrop.js" />
               <h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="top,top"
               style=" width : 830px;height : 630px;">
               <rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}"
               maxFilesQuantity="#{fileUploadBean.uploadsAvailable}" id="upload"
               acceptedTypes="jpg, gif, png, bmp"
               <a4j:support event="onuploadcomplete" reRender="info" />
               <h:panelGroup id="info">
               <rich:panel bodyClass="info" style=" width : 800px; height : 400px;">
               <f:facet name="header">
               <h:outputText value="Uploaded Files Info" />
               <h:outputText value="No files currently uploaded"
               rendered="#{fileUploadBean.size==0}" />
               <rich:dataGrid columns="1" value="#{fileUploadBean.files}"
               var="file" rowKeyVar="row" style=" width : 750px;height : 550px;">
               <rich:panel bodyClass="rich-laguna-panel-no-header"
               style=" width : 700px;height : 500px;">
               <a4j:mediaOutput element="img" mimeType="#{file.mime}"
               createContent="#{fileUploadBean.paint}" value="#{row}"
               style="width:400px; height:300px;" cacheable="false" id="m">
               <f:param value="#{fileUploadBean.timeStamp}" name="time" />
               <h:graphicImage value="/css/b.jpg" id="myImage"></h:graphicImage>
               <rich:spacer height="3" />
               <br />
               <a4j:commandButton action="#{fileUploadBean.clearUploadData}"
               reRender="info, upload" value="Limpar"
               rendered="#{fileUploadBean.size>0}" />
               <a4j:commandButton value="Recortar"></a4j:commandButton>
               <h:inputHidden id="input_top"></h:inputHidden>
               <h:inputHidden id="input_left"></h:inputHidden>
               <h:inputHidden id="input_width"></h:inputHidden>
               <h:inputHidden id="input_height"></h:inputHidden>

              • 4. Re: Problems with RichFaces and JavaScript

                rich:fileUpload uses Prototype JS library, that's likely to conflict with MooTools. To clarify this finally, remove all rich:* components from the page and load Prototype script explicitly using a4j:loadScript.