6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 28, 2011 8:27 AM by ainanmis

    rich:message does not display in popup panel?


      Where have  I done wrong? My code is below.      

      <rich:popupPanel id="detaySec" modal="true" resizeable="true" minWidth="200"   domElementAttachment="form"



                          <f:facet name="controls">

                              <h:outputLink value="#"

                                  onclick="#{rich:component('detaySec')}.hide(); return false;">





                                      <h:panelGroup  id="detayId">

                                          <h:selectOneRadio id="secimId" value="#{provizyonBean.detaySecim}"  required="true" >

                                              <f:selectItem itemLabel="İşlem Detayı Girin" itemValue="1" />

                                              <f:selectItem itemLabel="İşlemin ilişkili olduğu ameliyatı seçiniz" itemValue="2" />

                                              <a4j:ajax event="change" execute="@this" render="tamam" />


                                          <rich:message for="secimId"/>


                                      <h:panelGroup id="tamam">

                                          <h:commandButton value="Tamam" rendered="#{provizyonBean.detaySecim(0)}">

                                              <f:ajax execute="detayId" render="detayId"></f:ajax>


                                          <h:commandButton value="Tamam" rendered="#{provizyonBean.detaySecim(1)}">

                                              <rich:componentControl target="islemDetay" operation="show" />



                                          <h:commandButton value="Tamam" rendered="#{provizyonBean.detaySecim(2)}">

                                              <rich:componentControl target="iliskiliAmeliyat" operation="show" />


                                          <h:commandButton value="Kapat" onclick="#{rich:component('detaySec')}.hide(); return false;"

                                               immediate="true" />





        • 1. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

          i think you are missing h:form around your rich:popupPanel.

          • 2. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

            No, I am using h:form.

            • 3. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

              Did you also try rich:messages? I haven't tried rich:message in a popup panel, but rich:messages was working for me:


              <rich:popupPanel modal="true" id="errorMessage" minWidth="350"

                      maxWidth="450" zindex="2000"

                      show="#{boxMessages.unboundMessagesSize > 0}">

                      <f:facet name="header">


                              <h:outputText value="#{pageMessages.messageHeader}"></h:outputText>



                      <f:facet name="controls">



                                  <h:commandLink action="hide" immediate="true"

                                      onclick="#{rich:component('errorMessage')}.hide(); return false;">







                      <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4"

                          rendered="#{! empty facesContext.maximumSeverity}"


                          <h:graphicImage value="#{pageMessages.messageImage}" />

                          <rich:messages layout="table" globalOnly="true"

                              showSummary="true" />



                      <h:panelGroup style="display:block; text-align:center">


                          <a4j:commandButton style="width:80px"

                              onclick="#{rich:component('errorMessage')}.hide(); return false;"







              Good luck!

              • 4. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

                When I used rich:messages, the message displayed  ,bu it is not in popup

                • 5. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

                  What do you mean exactly? Do you mean rich:messages behaves the same as rich:message inside your popup panel? So it just does not get rendered?

                  • 6. rich:message does not display in popup panel?

                    If I used rich:message , I could not take any validation messages in anywhere. If I used rich:message I took validation messages in main page(I called popup here), not in the popup panel.