4 Replies Latest reply on May 5, 2011 6:08 AM by damntry

    Delete <div> element surrounding <table> in rich:datatable


      Hello, I´m working with a rich:datatable and while trying to apply some custom scrollbars, I noticed that the rich:datatable surrounds the <table> element with a <div> element with the style "overflow:auto", which creates it´s owns scrolls when there is not enough space. Example below:





      I don´t have much idea yet on how styles works, but I don´t know how to erase this div, and the div doesn´t reference any class style which I could override to hide it.



      I´m using Richfaces 3.3.1. Any ideas? Thanks.

        • 1. Re: Delete <div> element surrounding <table> in rich:datatable

          Sorry, I botched the example and can´t edit the first post. This is the correct HTML output from the rich:datatable:


          <div id="MyOwnDiv" style="overflow: auto; max-height: 400px;">
               <div id="MyTable_table_content" style="overflow: auto;" onscroll="syncScroll('MyTable_table_header', 'MyTable_table_content')">
                    <table frame="border" ...


          I want to be able to omit the div named "MyTable_table_content" which is generated automatically.

          <div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 400px;"><div id="tablaMasivos_table_header" style="overflow: hidden;"><table frame="border"
          • 2. Re: Delete <div> element surrounding <table> in rich:datatable

            please show your source page code.

            • 3. Re: Delete <div> element surrounding <table> in rich:datatable

              Ilya Shaikovsky escribió:


              please show your source page code.



              <a4j:outputPanel id="panel_resultList">

                     <t:div id="MyOwnDiv" style="overflow:auto;max-height:400px;width:98%">

                          <rich:dataTable id="MyTableId" frame="border" width="100%"                 

                                  var="result" value="#{MyBean.resultList}" binding="#{MyBean.datatable}">


                              <f:facet name="header">










              I noticed that the Div "MyTable_table_content" only appears when the table width is greater than the browsers available width, which in this case happens 90% of the time.

              • 4. Re: Delete <div> element surrounding <table> in rich:datatable

                Finally I had to modify the <div> style using javascript:


                <script type="text/javascript">

                        window.onload = function(){




                <kernel:jsFunction name="cleanDivStyleDatatable"





                And then call the function cleanDivStyleDatatable on the oncomplete event of the button which loads the table.


                It´s ugly, but at least works in both Firefox and IE7. Now I can always show the bottom scroll regardless of the vertical scroll position.