6 Replies Latest reply on Jun 1, 2011 6:56 PM by ilya_shaikovsky

    partial rerendering




      I'm trying to rerender the right body content, when I click on some link on the left navigator menu with richfaces?

      Without reloading the entire page, only the right side content should be updated, similar to <a:href target="id">


      Tried with  a4j:commandLink, does not seem to work.


      Using JSF(1.2), RichFaces(3.3.x) and webflow.


      Any input is highly appreciated



        • 1. partial rerendering

          Post your code (jsf part).

          • 2. partial rerendering

            It sounds that the tag a4j:include is what you're looking for. You can find an example at the RichFaces Live-Demo.

            • 3. Re: partial rerendering



              a4j:include doesn't solve the problem, entire page reload happens.


              I need ajax submit to spring webflow and rerender content area without reloading header and left navigator.


              • 4. Re: partial rerendering

                include handles navigation via ajax only if navigation controls placed inside it. And using controls from the other page part like shown in your image you should not use actions but instead change the included body part using src bound with EL to some controller bean and then reRender body part.

                • 5. Re: partial rerendering

                  Thanks for your response. I need to include the output of flow(Spring webflow - flow.xml ) in the Content area on the above image mentioned.


                  Including xhtml alone is working, but the corresponding flow(with transitions and action-states) associated with it were not available.


                  Is there any component available in richfaces which could act like IFrames?

                  • 6. Re: partial rerendering

                    Is there any component available in richfaces which could act like IFrames?

                    If you mean include - standard ui:include should be used. If mean real iframe - not shure why you need the component. Just use html element directly.



                    B.t.w. next time open thread in active community

                    Community > Closed > Ajax4JSF > Ajax4JSF Development > Discussions