3 Replies Latest reply on May 5, 2011 4:33 AM by raid3n

    How to render rich:accordionItem after action?




      I have that:


      <rich:accordionItem id="journeys_accordionItem" header="Journeys"

                                    onclick="updateJourneys()" switchType="ajax">




      <a4j:jsFunction name="updateJourneys"

                          action="#{truckBeans.initJourneys}" />



      But the action "#{truckBeans.initJourneys}" is executed after the render of the accordionItem. How to solve?


      I'm using rf4final.

        • 1. How to render rich:accordionItem after action?

          Ok I solved putting an a4j:outputpanel inside rich:accordionItem



          <rich:accordionItem id="journeys_accordionItem" header="Journeys"

                                        onclick="updateJourneys()" switchType="ajax">

          <a4j:outputPanel id="outputPanel">




          <a4j:jsFunction name="updateJourneys"

                       action="#{truckBeans.initJourneys}" render="outputPanel"/>

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. How to render rich:accordionItem after action?

            Hi raid3n, you could use rich:accordions's itemChangeListener attribute - you would need to decide about which accordionItem is going to be switched to in the listener's method body.

            • 3. How to render rich:accordionItem after action?

              Thx Lukas.


              Now I must resolve che id for the checkbox on the rows of datatable. Because I want use the onclickrow event on the datatable to toggle checkbox on the row.


              onrowclick="toggleCheckbox(id)" but I haven't a defined id.


              sorry for my english man!