1 Reply Latest reply on May 9, 2011 6:49 AM by anantharaman.m

    rich:calendar readonly attribute and INPUT[readonly][type='text'] clash




      Am using the following style class in my CSS to change the background color of all my read only text fields.





      background: #CCCCCC;

      background-color: #CCCCCC;

      color: #000000;


      and i have EL for my inputText and rich:Calendar 's read only attribute.


      ="#{dealManagedBean.selectedDeal.dealStatus == 1105 or dealManagedBean.selectedDeal.dealStatus == 1104 ? 'true':'false'}"

      My style is applied for all the input text when the read only attribute is true. But in rich:calendar it applies defaultly even if the readOnly attribute is true or false.

      Am using richfaces 3.3.

      So when followed this thread https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-1450


      I found the following comment from Tsikhon Kuprevich

      In case if readonly="true" it renders readonly="readonly" which is ok.
      In case if it renders readonly="readonly" anyway, which is wrong.

      Can you please help me out?

