1 Reply Latest reply on May 11, 2011 3:35 AM by bcn

    rich:select attribute selectFirst not working


      If I understand correctly, the attribute selectFirst in rich:select is supposed to select the first element of the list when the page is loaded.

      This seems not to work. Neither is the box filled with the first element nor is the value of the backing bean set.


                          <rich:select id="country" selectFirst="true"


                              <f:selectItem itemValue="BR" itemLabel="#{msg.Brazil}" />




        • 1. rich:select attribute selectFirst not working

          Maybe the point is that the backing bean property has priority over the selectFirst attribute?

          I.e. if the bean value is null, then selectFirst is ignored because the first value in the list is not equal to the bean value?

          But that does not make much sense to me.

          Is this designed to be like that or is it a bug?