3 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2011 10:08 AM by ciepol

    rich:modalpanel IE8



      I created a search wizard using

      rich:modalpanel. Everything worked fine in IE7, but in IE8 I had issues with form submission. So I fixed that issue by using only one form to hold all the components in the parent page and the modalpanel. Here is the skeleton of my UI code:


      Parent page:



      <ui:include src="modalpage.xhtml"/>


      <a4j:commandbutton id="openmodalpanel" onclick="Richfaces.showmodalpanel(panel id);"/>


      <h:commandbutton id="b1"/>

      <h:commandbutton id="b2"/>

      <h:commandbutton id="b3"/>





      Modal page:






      <h:inputtext id="it1"/>

      <h:inputtext id="it2"/>

      <h:commandbutton id="search" action="#{bean.action}"/>




      When button 'search' is clicked in the modalpanel, the action is triggered but the text fields are not set, that is, their setter methods are never called. I tried adding a form aound the modalpanel components but that invalidates buttons b1, b2 & b3 on the parent page and it still doesn't set the textbox values.


      Any help is appreciated.



        • 1. rich:modalpanel IE8

          modal panel has limitations related to h:form. it should be only inside and not outside by default. And you should read about domElementAttachment in order to check how to avoid that restriction.

          • 2. rich:modalpanel IE8

            Thanks for the reply. I read about the domElementAttachment attribute and set it to "form" and "parent", neither one solved the issue above. The text fields are still not being set.


            And I am not sure how to debug the issue.

            • 3. rich:modalpanel IE8

              If it works under IE7 why not try to force IE8 to behave like it's predecessor.

              Try inserting <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7; IE=EmulateIE9" /> into your document <head> section.