13 Replies Latest reply on Jul 1, 2009 9:34 AM by hrbaer

    Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

      Hi folks,

      I'm trying to use a a4j:commandLink within a table.
      But when I click on the Link there is no action called.

      So what I'm trying to reach is that you first have to push a button to get a table filled. And then - after pushing a button/link in the table a new "area" (in my case the details) get displayed.

      What am I doing wrong?

      Here is some code:

      <rich:panel header="Header">
       <h:outputText value="blabla" />
       <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" columnClasses="alignRight">
       <a4j:commandButton actionListener="#{mb.search}" value="Search" reRender="liste" />
      <rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{mb.liste}" var="list" width="70%" height="100px" id="liste">
       <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
       <a4j:commandButton actionListener="#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" reRender="detail" />
      <rich:panel header="Detail" style="width: 70%;" id="detail" rendered="#{not empty mb.detail}">
       <h:outputText value="Test" />

      When I use the first button "Search" the list get filled.
      Now there a a few entries in the table with each of them has a new button "Detail". But when I click on this button, I don't reach my method in the bean ;(

      And another problem:
      Since I added the a4j:button in the table the header fields don't get displayed!?

        • 1. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

          Any ideas?

          • 2. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

            You can try to surround your link with <h:form> or <a4j:form>.

            • 3. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


              "AngelDSTU" wrote:
              You can try to surround your link with <h:form> or <a4j:form>.

              it is already. Not within the 'rich:scrollableDataTable' but directly at the beginning of the jsp.

              Is there basically a problem to combine a 'rich:scrollableDataTable' with an 'a4j:commandLink'? Because when I add the exact 'a4j:commandLink' after the table there is no problem!

              <rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{mb.liste}" var="list" width="70%" height="100px" id="liste">
               <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
               <a4j:commandLink actionListener="#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" reRender="detail" />

              this code doesn't work.
              But the next code does:

              <rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{mb.liste}" var="list" width="70%" height="100px" id="liste">
               <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
               <h:outputText value="Detail" />
              <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="70%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" columnClasses="alignRight">
               <a4j:commandLink actionListener="#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" reRender="detail" />

              • 4. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

                which RF version used?

                • 5. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


                  "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
                  which RF version used?


                  • 6. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

                    pelase check 3.3.1GA. there were such issues previously.. should works under latest GA.

                    • 7. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


                      "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
                      pelase check 3.3.1GA. there were such issues previously.. should works under latest GA.

                      thanks for that hint.
                      I will try this...

                      • 8. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

                        The change to 3.3.1 GA doesn't have any effect :(

                        Does anybody implements such a scenario?
                        Would be really thankfull for a code example. Doesn't have any ideas left...

                        • 9. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

                          add phaseTracker to application and check it's output for unsuccessful request.

                          • 10. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


                            "hrbaer" wrote:
                            The change to 3.3.1 GA doesn't have any effect :(

                            Does anybody implements such a scenario?
                            Would be really thankfull for a code example. Doesn't have any ideas left...

                            I have to relativize this statement.
                            In adddition to the newest jar-files for richfaces (3.3.1.GA) I although had the older ones in my war-file. After removing them I'm getting this error:

                            java.lang.ClassCastException: org.richfaces.model.ScrollableTableDataRange
                             at org.ajax4jsf.model.SequenceDataModel.walk(SequenceDataModel.java:84)
                             at org.ajax4jsf.component.UIDataAdaptor.walk(UIDataAdaptor.java:1127)
                             at org.richfaces.component.UIScrollableDataTable.walk(UIScrollableDataTable.java:413)
                             at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ScrollableDataTableBaseRenderer.renderGridBody(ScrollableDataTableBaseRenderer.java:555)
                             at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ScrollableDataTableRenderer.doEncodeEnd(ScrollableDataTableRenderer.java:405)
                             at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ScrollableDataTableRenderer.doEncodeEnd(ScrollableDataTableRenderer.java:606)
                             at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.RendererBase.encodeEnd(RendererBase.java:135)
                             at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ScrollableDataTableBaseRenderer.encodeEnd(ScrollableDataTableBaseRenderer.java:879)
                             at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeEnd(UIComponentBase.java:847)

                            In my lib-direcotry there is now only the following libs (related to richfaces):

                            (When I use 3.3.0.GA there are no effects.)

                            • 11. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


                              "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
                              add phaseTracker to application and check it's output for unsuccessful request.

                              No differences beetween the link within the table and the link after the table.
                              Output for the table-link:
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE RESTORE_VIEW 1
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER RESTORE_VIEW 1
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
                              29.06.2009 14:54:15 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE RENDER_RESPONSE 6
                              29.06.2009 14:54:16 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER RENDER_RESPONSE 6

                              Output for the link after the table:
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE RESTORE_VIEW 1
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER RESTORE_VIEW 1
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker beforePhase
                              INFO: BEFORE RENDER_RESPONSE 6
                              29.06.2009 14:54:57 org.exadel.jsf.PhaseTracker afterPhase
                              INFO: AFTER RENDER_RESPONSE 6

                              • 12. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table

                                OK, now its getting realy strange.

                                I replaced all the ajax-functions by normal h:commandLinks/h:commandButtons. But instead reaching my method in the managed bean when using a link nothin happens!

                                So this is the "rest" of my code:

                                <rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{mb.liste}" var="list" width="70%" height="100px" id="liste">
                                 <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
                                 <h:commandLink actionListener="'#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" />
                                <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="70%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" columnClasses="alignRight">
                                 <h:commandLink actionListener="#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" />

                                So the link in the table doesn't have any effect but the same(!) link after the table does work!!

                                Does anybody has another idea?
                                Is it a problem with the rich:scrollableDataTable-tag? Are there any known problems with this tag? Or does anybody used it already with a link in it??

                                • 13. Re: Problem with a4j:commandLink within table


                                  "hrbaer" wrote:

                                  Does anybody has another idea?
                                  Is it a problem with the rich:scrollableDataTable-tag? Are there any known problems with this tag? Or does anybody used it already with a link in it??

                                  Indeed it's a problem with the rich:scrollableDataTable-tag!
                                  The same code just replaced by rich:dataTable does work.

                                  DOES NOT WORK:
                                  <rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{mb.liste}" var="list" width="70%" height="100px" id="liste">
                                   <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
                                   <h:commandLink actionListener="'#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" />

                                  DOES WORK:
                                  <rich:dataTable cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="70%" id="liste2" border="0" var="record" value="#{mb.liste}">
                                   <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Name" /></f:facet>
                                   <h:commandLink actionListener="'#{mb.showDetails}" value="Detail" />

                                  ...I don't know what to do :(