2 Replies Latest reply on May 26, 2011 4:23 AM by jobmathew

    how to append values from suggestion box RichFaces 3.3.3


      Hi All


      I wanted to develop a Email application.


      i have a text box for to address with suggestion box.


      i wanted to append the values selected from the suggestion box.


      my problem is when am selecting the value from the suggestion box am getting it in the backend but the view will be updated with the value only for the next event when selecting another value in the suggestion box.


      if am Rerender toAddress inputtext on a4j:support the view is getting updated but again the problem is no more suggestion box will be shown. for the inputtext.



      <h:inputText value="#{emailBean.emailAddresses}" autocomplete="false" id="toAddress" style=" width : 100%" >


                          <rich:suggestionbox ajaxSingle="true" for="toAddress" nothingLabel="No user found"  fetchValue="#{emailBean.emailAddresses}"

                               suggestionAction="#{emailBean.autoComplete}" var="suggest" popupClass="suggestionPopUP" width="300" >


                                  <h:graphicImage value="/Image/png/User.png" />


                              <rich:column style="text-align:left; border:0;" width="100%">

                                  <h:outputText value="#{suggest}" />


                                  <a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" event="onselect">

                                      <a4j:actionparam  name="submit" value="#{suggest}" assignTo="#{emailBean.recipient}" />





      any help is highly appretated


      thank you