4 Replies Latest reply on May 31, 2011 4:38 AM by spandy

    using a4j:keepAlive


      when am using <a4j:keepAlive beanName="myBean"/>

      am getting NotSerializableException so shall i need to implement the Serializable for myBean...is there any way...instead of implementing from serializable



      thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: using a4j:keepAlive



          Have you tried to use StateHolder?

          • 2. Re: using a4j:keepAlive

            Thanks alot Mr.Nick ...for reponse


                      exactly our requirement is when we are using <rich:dataTable value="myBean.list">,here myBean should be in session if it is in request datascroller is not working....so we need to give myBean in request and datascroller also has to work .so how can i achieve this requirement


            Thanks in advance

            • 3. Re: using a4j:keepAlive



              It should work with requets bean, but you need your bean to be able to provide the same data on subsequent requests, so I recommend you to store necessary contextual information in keep-alived bean (e.g. sort/filter criteria) and re-fetch data from data source then.

              • 4. Re: using a4j:keepAlive

                Hi Nick,


                     sorry..exactly am not getting what you are trying to explain..can u please give me on example...if possible..

                and also we have 100 to 120 beans are there with this requirement..is that work perfectly...


                Thanks alot..