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1. Re: Problem using two different XA datasources in AS7
matt.drees Jun 1, 2011 4:31 PM (in response to matt.drees)Matt Drees wrote:
I'm wondering if I can change a flag somewhere in the AS7 build config and have it pull in my custom ironjacamar version. I don't know how to do that, though.
Ok, figured out how to do that. In jboss-as/build, I ran "mvn package" and it pulled in my patched ironjacamar jars. Cool.
2. Re: Problem using two different XA datasources in AS7
jesper.pedersen Jun 2, 2011 10:50 AM (in response to matt.drees)The patch have been merged, thanks !
Yeah, that was probably the best way, since I have changed some of the APIs also used by AS 7 - you don't want this one.
We will soon have a new version of IronJacamar in AS 7 - and once we have a stable branch there will be a simple installer for patch updating.