2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 6, 2011 1:56 PM by robert.m.goodwin

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI scheme is not "file"


      I am trying to get a basic installation and sample working to help determine if this picketbox is the correct solution going forward for our project.  I asked a question last week about the proper installation procedures for JBossAS 5.1 here (http://community.jboss.org/thread/167152?tstart=0) but have not gotten any response.  Before abandoning my efforts, I downloaded the code and attached a debugger to understand a little more of what is going on.  I am trying to deploy the attached sample service that I found on the discussion boards here.



      1. JBossPDP(JAXBElement<?> config)
      2. bootstrap(PDP pdp) throws Exception
      3. addPolicySets(List<PolicySetType> policySets, boolean topLevel) throws Exception


      For each policy set, the location is retrieved.  In my case the value is the following:




      This call is passed to the following method


      isDirectory(String location)


      within this method a URI is created from the specified string (META-INF/simple-policy.xml) with the following call


      uri = getResourceViaClassLoader(SecurityActions.getContextClassLoader(), location);


      which returns a URI with the following value




      which when passed to the file = new File(uri) generates the exception


      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI scheme is not "file"


      which causes the deployment to fail.



      Any guidance would be appreciated,
