7 Replies Latest reply on Jun 8, 2011 12:09 PM by clebert.suconic

    JBoss Messaging->HornetQ: @RunAs now ignored?


      Hi guys,


      I am migrating our JBoss Messaging (AS 5.1.0.GA) app to HornetQ (AS 6.0.0.Final).


      We have some stateless EJBs whose methods are protected by @RolesAllowed annotations, and some MDBs that use @RunAs to enable them to call those methods. However this idiom doesn't appear to work under JBoss AS 6's HornetQ integration?


      I've searched all over, but there doesn't seem to be an example in the HornetQ docs/distribution of using HornetQ MDBs together with @RunAs and EE security roles? Is this still expected to work?



