1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 16, 2011 3:28 AM by kpiwko

    Why Arquillian can't stop dependent on internet jars which is available in jboss as?


      Hi All,

           I have been trying arquillian for the last 5 days, but still I am unable to solve my problem. As I am inside a proxy server, my proxy is not allowing me to download "jboss-as-client" jars from internet. Why can't we stop this from downloading? Rather we will refer it locally by using








      If we can do so maximum jars dependency will go off. And we will be free from internet download by maven dependency.







        • 1. Re: Why Arquillian can't stop dependent on internet jars which is available in jboss as?

          Hi Niraj,


          there are many reason why current approach is better than the one you proposed:


          1/ System scope exists in Maven to work with differences among JDK versions

          2/ System scope in not officially supported in Maven 3

          3/ It does not solve the problem universaly, for remote containers running on a different machine there is no ${jboss.home}

          4/ ${jboss.home} must be absolute if you store it in a pom.xml and want to use in different projects

          5/ Pom generated by filtering is usable only in your environment, so it can be distributed within your company proxy, unless your

          company ensure the same ${jboss.home} for all the developers

          6/ Probably even more


          So system scope used in the way you did feels hackish and it is not a general solution.


          Still, there a very simple solution, you can manually install jboss-as-client jar into your local repository for JBoss AS distribution using mvn install:install-file command. See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-install-plugin/install-file-mojo.html

