0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2011 6:57 PM by tiddman

    RF 4.0 accordion inside scrollers / overflow?


      I am developing a page that has an rich:accordion on the left side.  The page has a fixed height and the accordion view can have a lot of content so it needs to be inside a vertical scroller.


      I am porting this page over from a previous version of JSF/RF and we accomplished this with this:


        <div id="templateDiv" style="overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;">

            <rich:panelBar width="335">

                <c:forEach items="#{controller.categories}" var="category"> 

                   <rich:panelBarItem label="#{category.category}" headerStyle="font-size:11pt">

      ... etc


      I tried a similar approach with RF 4.0 like this:


      <div id="templateDiv" style="overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;">

         <rich:accordion id="accordion1">

              <c:forEach items="#{controller.categories}"  var="category">

                  <rich:accordionItem header="#{category.category}"

      ... etc


      However this does not work, the control does not appear.  Looking at the rendered HTML, in the previous version of RF it looks like this:


      <div id="templateDiv" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; max-height: 717px;">

          <div class="rich-panelbar rich-panelbar-b " id="form1:j_id_jsp_1025457717_166" style="padding: 0px; width: 335px;">

      ... etc


      In RF 4.0 it produces:


      <div id="templateDiv" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; max-height: 743px;">

          <div id="lsform:accordion1" class="rf-ac" style="height: 1px;">


      The height:1px in the interior div is what is causing it to disappear.  I have tried applying a style to the accordion to change that, or enclosing the accordion in another div with a set height, and various other things like this but can't get it to show. I imagine that this must be a common problem, so I wonder if there is something about this that I am missing?

      Thanks so much in advance for any guidance or information.